COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I disagree with you saying dont volunteer for a study if you plan on immediately getting another vaccine if it’s approved. I also disagree with what I think is bad advice about getting a vaccine. Thought that was pretty clear. Apologies if I misunderstood

Toronto is an order of magnitude better than Montreal. Arguably Vancouver too.

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Does not compute.

Vancouver > Toronto.

so if Toronto is better, then so is Vancouver.

In case it hasn’t reached your orbit yet, the new derposphere smear on Fauci is a picture of him sitting in the stands at the Nats game with his wife and one other person. His mask is temporary down on his chin in the photo.

Just the dumbest people.

Wtf. Montreal >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tdot

Toronto has higher highs and lower lows. Montreal is a nice city, but the cultural quality and diversity in Toronto blows it out if the water.

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Regarding the vaccine. If there was a working vaccine that was clearly effective AND there was still significant transmission risk for you. Anyone running another trial would likely be ethically obligated to abandon it and ensure you get the other one.

In my opinion, I’d rather live in Toronto, but I prefer to visit Montreal.

I think Vancouver is better than both for both.


Definitely this.

Can’t speak for Vancouver.

Does this answer change for a non-white person?


Food wise Montreal is the stone nuts. Plus the have playground poker room.

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this should help cases go down, my god sinclair


Holy shit. This is so bad.

What’s going on in Hungary is following the same blueprint as Russia. Oligarchs buying all the news outlets they can. The ones they can’t they find a way to stymie with onerous laws, taxes, whatever works. 70 people just quit at the last big independent news source.

Here in the US we have vulture capitalist buying up all the failing local papers and just squeezing the last drop of blood out of them. Sinclair is controlling a big chunk of the local news. We’re a ways off from Russia or Hungary. But Sinclair showing the Plandemic video shows they’re fully on board with sinking to any depths. Something even FoxNews seems to be resisting.


So I’m watching an episode of The Twilight Zone as one does, and there’s an episode with a girl in a leg brace. It’s like, damn, polio really was a thing back in those days, wasn’t it? It’s easy to forget that was going on at the time --I’ve watched a whole lot of retro TV/movies from the 50’s/60’s in my lifetime, I don’t think I’ve ever once seen the polio outbreak alluded to even once.

I wonder if the 'rona outbreak will be like that. Everyone knew what was going on but pop culture never took note of it. Retro culture nerds of the future will watch movies/TV from 2020 and wonder why the coronavirus outbreak is never mentioned.

There’s a good reason why it won’t be mentioned. Nobody is filming much right now, what is being produced is pretty low budget and unlikely to be enshrined in our cultural canon, and when TV and movie studios are fully OPEN FOR BUSINESS, they’re going to have an eye towards getting past the pandemic, not mourning it.


Are we, though?

Yes. Like 80% of the non social media isn’t derpy.

Yes, don’t fall into the trap of everything in the US is just as bad. It’s bad. But there are degrees, and we still have a pretty vibrant resistance in the free press.

There is nothing remotely close to CNN - which has basically declared war on Trump - in Russia or Hungary. Same for the major papers. Those who would turn this country into a sham democracy have a ways to go. But we need to look out for the warning signs.

Even a show like 60 Minutes, which every old in the country watches, can be fairly subversive sometimes. I give thanks for 60 Minutes every time I see it. Frontline much more so.