COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

What state?


Probably because funeral homes were getting crushed financially, apparently a ton of their profits come from the services themselves. I know this because I found a publicly traded funeral home company based in Houston with like 90% of its locations in TX and FL, heavily centered in Houston, with some others in Oklahoma and Arizona. I was thinking, wow this company is going to make a shit load of money. Looked into it, their stock was way down, they’re already losing hand over fist because of the restrictions.

That’s her co (SCI)

Not necessary.

Unless there’s a massive increase in testing and ability to analyze them quickly, I think it will be hard to get above 60k new cases per day and we’re maybe near the max now.

Yesterday, Andy Slavitt claimed tests were no good after 7 days. My sister previously told me it was 9 days. I guarantee you there are a lot of places with large testing in the country that aren’t not getting around to analyzing tests until right around 7 days. The second largest processor in the country said it had hit a ‘wall’ three weeks ago (they were processing the tests from NY, NJ, and one other early hard hit state but I can’t remember which one), so if the 7 day thing is true there are a lot of wasted tests out there just being called ‘negative’. Sigh.

This is immediately what I thought of as well

That could be it, but I don’t recall them having that many different locations nationwide, I think it was pretty limited to the south. I’m thinking CSV.

We’re not that bad, you know.


Some, I assume, are good people.


So basically cases are rising rapidly in the trouble spots, hospitals are being overrun in AZ and TX. Probably in FL too, if not they will be soon. None of those states has put in place a full shutdown like what NYC did when it was bad there, or Lombardy or Wuhan. Their measures are likely to leave them somewhere between like 1.1 and 1.5 in R0, starting from a base number of active cases that already has hospitals overflowing.

Plus it’s a holiday weekend, so PARTAAAAAY IN THE USAAAAA#1!!!

That about the size of it?

Like, does anyone have any reason to believe that we’re not going to be in an unfathomably bad situation in these places in another 2-4 weeks? Any reason to believe they’re not going to make Lombardy and NYC look like light work?

The proper way to do this is to have slammed the brakes on months ago, get the R0 down way below 1, make some progress and slowly but surely easing it up to 1 and making sure not to cross it. Instead, they ran the cases as high as they could, and now they’re slowly easing the R0 down, doing their best to make sure they don’t accidentally close anything that could be staying open.

Dan called his frightening graph his ‘best case scenario’…

That is an ingenious marketing strategy. We should also fill out job apps and surveys just so we can fill in Unstuck as the place that referred us.

South Carolina numbers in:
1558 new cases (4th highest)
10 deaths (flat)
20.7% positive (new record)
1148 hospitalizations (essentially flat for two days after a big jump earlier)


There’s been a lot of questionable, anecdotal, and bs stuff suggested as covid treatment. This seems interesting and I’d be happy if my caffeine addiction gives me a little protection from this bitch of a virus. Sorry if already posted but I have a hard time keeping up with this thread.

If the places that are currently doing bad and getting worse don’t learn from this then I’m really worried for what fall has in store for this country

Most of the treatments will turn out to be wrong, but just like wearing a mask we should ask if there is harm and if not do things that are unproven but with no real negative consequences. Does it harm me to take Vitamin D? Nope. Hydroxychloraquine? Yep. Nicotine? Yep. Cocaine? Huge positive even if not related to covid.


Lol at anyone learning anything. We haven’t even got to the stage where a vaccine is available and half the country won’t get it because of something they read on Facebook. This is going to be a multi year disaster.

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I’ll pass on the cocaine but I’m headed outside now to take in 15 minutes worth of vitamin D.

If the vaccines really do work, we could be looking at a situation where COVID19 becomes endemic to the US for a generation while the rest of the first world manages to eradicate it. Not sure what that means for foreign policy.