COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Yeah, it would be for rehab. Temporary but still weeks. I’m not sure if covid might make it a better choice to go home and just have friends come over to help.

That’s similar to false negative rate with RT-PCR, according to this

The test performed best eight days after infection (on average, three days after symptom onset), but even then had a false negative rate of 20%, meaning one in five people who had the virus had a negative test result.

In other “Is Newsom doing a good job?” news


She still has to go to a facility for things like physical therapy even if she doesn’t stay there. They will likely want someone with her 24/7.

Seems like way less potential for exposure if you’re only there a couple of hours a day or whatever. She’d still prefer to be home if for no other reason than to be with her dogs. 24/7 is doable. She has a friend who could move in with her part-time. I’d probably be drafted the rest of the time. Her husband died recently and I promised him to help her out if needed so I’m honor-bound.

Arizona 147 deaths. 30 more than previous high. Seems not a good sign for the states a little behind their timeline.

Oof. Both ankles.

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Meanwhile in Ohio


It’s why they run two tests on a person. Or at least they should.

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I think their feelings for liberal Americans who are being rounded up by secret police are going to be very different than their current feelings about Americans due to the pandemic.


I believe he was implying 20% more. That is if you have 100 pcr positives you only catch 80 of them by antigen due to viral load sensitivity.

We had a kid in jr high do both wrists doing a backwards shuffle drill. Not an athlete type at all, no idea what they had that in regular gym class.

I need health insurance for me and my family while I’m learning to code. Bad idea to drop that in a pandemic




Lol, just changing the scale. Nothing to see here. They’re exactly the same!


Fuck the south, and apologies to the NE, but I’m ready for #Westlandia

Not clear from the clip. So frustrating that claims aren’t precisely stated.

They teach that on the third day of How to Lie with Statistics.


I think you might have some unrealistic expectations about Canada and Canadians. idk, I’m a CINO. Maybe get some input from the forum’s actual Canadians.