COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

What’s target SDI again?

SDI=Social Distancing Index Score.

Being above it slows case growth (longer periods create bent curves). Being below it slows drops and/or leads to rise. Being well below appears to create big spikes. I have all of this graphed out for every state and a bunch of counties. SDI varies place to place as you can guess. I don’t have the link to the google sheet in front of me but can post it again if you want to see it.

I was able to grab it. Some data incomplete as I’m still updating.

It wasn’t even rude. Grow up Stacey.

My boss decided to ride with me on a sales call yesterday since sales are so down across the company

As I was writing up the order he was sitting across from me rambling about some covid conspiracy and he took his mask off to cough. I lost my shit at him and told him to leave. He kept pulling it off complaining about the CO2 buildup


COVID-19 making a comeback in the Czech Republic. Used to be a local outbreak here and there but it seems to be going countrywide. No surprise given the uptick in tourism. This may very well be the beginning of our second wave.

My people ancestrally


Early 20s definitely dumbest age group aside from 65+


Guy on CNN claims 20% false neg rate with antigen testing and these are part of Florida’s total reports. Apparently it’s a much faster but has a higher detection threshold (needs more virus present to register positive).

So you probably add a point or two to the Florida positivity number depending on prevalence.

A friend had an accident and fractured both ankles. They’re keeping her in the hospital a couple of days but if they can’t find a way for her to move around her house, they’re talking skilled nursing facility. I’m guessing it would be a matter of weeks. That isn’t the same thing as the long-term care facilities that have been getting wrecked by the virus but would it really be safer?

Some skilled nursing facilities only do rehab, so everyone is only there temporarily, but some are connected to nursing homes or assisted living facilities, so some people might be receiving long-term care there.

After surgery, my father spent time in such a place that had both rehab patients and long-term residents.

Local bottle shop



…how did they fracture both ankles? If I may ask.

Dear Michelle, you’re not going to want to hear this, but you live in a place where coronavirus is widespread and you let an adult engaging in high-risk behavior have contact with your obese, diabetic husband. You chose the path of least resistance with your son over the health and possibly life of your husband.

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Better Call Saul. Seriously tho, don’t u wanna quit? I’m not a lawyer but this has to be illegal.

She is really throwing the son under the bus and he deserves it but in reality none of the adults were very smart.

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“It’s just something that you just never expect to happen and to the severity that it’s gotten to,” she said.

Such an underrated sign.

I’m not really sure. She jokes it’s my fault. I told her I was afraid I’d left the lock off the gate to the backyard. She was out front so she climbed on a railroad tie that borders a flower bed to look over the fence. Only like 10" above the concrete walk. She stepped off but for some reason thought she was on level ground. So one foot hit the ground heel first, I guess. Beats me how the other one got involved.

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This seems like a massive underestimate. Canada has done a pretty good job of handling this and we have 8,800 deaths.