COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Make sure your mower is tuned up, blades are sharp, and fueled up cuz that’s a mortal lock.


well I’m planning on going with it

Need them sharp blades in case there’s any dead squirrels in your grass


Well, yeah, that calculation underlies the first question but it was more the framing that got the reaction.

I’m suggesting that when the fuhrer starts rounding us up for camps, Canada may give us refuge.

I figured most on here would be able to look past suboptimal framing.

Truly problematic posts aren’t just poorly framed. The underlying content is inherently bad.

Literally no other more obvious and visible demonstration of the the wealth gap/income inequality that this shit right here. STONKS directly proportional to Covid cases, rest of economy inverse. Fml

But how much did you lose?

If you have to go to the hospital you’re screwed basically. Just pray it doesn’t get that bad.

Yea if Trump wins, 5 million dead in America is plausible.

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Genius city at Harley bike week tonight. This is nothing short of a very dangerous cult.


It’s pretty crazy the only reason Biden isn’t president now is because his son died. Like holy shit, if Biden’s son doesn’t die, there’s a good chance we have less than 100 deaths nationwide.


Canadians overwhelmingly want the border to stay closed. Worldwide hostility to Americans will not be decreasing anytime soon.


I still think Hillary would have primaried him.

I assume this too is fake but it’s still a humdinger



Dude, you’re an inspiration. I’ve got $75 sitting in Venmo. PM me.


A tale of two countries.

I’m stressing because Japan recorded another near-record-high day of infections: about 350.

Meanwhile, I wake up to news that in the U.S., there were, checks notes, 75,000 new cases.

I feel a little less stressed now.


Thanks for posting. That was powerful


Here’s the SDI grade book for the week of 7/8-7/14.

The Good (at or above target SDI):

Arizona (3 weeks, 5 weeks under at worst), Texas (3 weeks, 4 weeks under at worst), Georgia (1 week, 6 weeks under at worst), Tennessee (3 weeks, 4 weeks under at worst), District of Columbia (17 weeks, 1 week under at worst 3/11-3/17), Pennsylvania (4 weeks, 2 weeks under at worst), Kansas (4 weeks, 3 weeks under at worst), New Mexico (3 weeks, 4 weeks under at worst), Delaware (5 weeks, 1 week under at worst), Wyoming (5 weeks, 2 weeks under at worst), Vermont (5 weeks, 1 week under at worst)

The Bad (2-4 weeks below target SDI):

New York (2 weeks), Utah (2 weeks), Maryland (2 weeks), Minnesota (2 weeks), Colorado (2 weeks, revised target SDI to 30+ from 25+), Connecticut (2 weeks), Maine (2 weeks)

The Ugly (5 weeks or more below target SDI):

Alaska (9 weeks), Arkansas (11 weeks), California (8 weeks), North Carolina (11 weeks), Massachusetts (7 weeks), Nevada (7 weeks), Illinois (7 weeks), United States (8 weeks), Ohio (8 weeks), Oklahoma (11 weeks, revised target SDI to 30+ from 25+), Washington (7 weeks), New Jersey (6 weeks), Iowa (8 weeks), Wisconsin (8 weeks), Michigan (6 weeks), Kentucky (8 weeks), Oregon (7 weeks), South Dakota (8 weeks), Rhode Island (7 weeks), West Virginia (9 weeks), North Dakota (9 weeks), Hawaii (7 weeks)

Off the Wagon (below target SDI 1 week):

Alabama (-3), Florida (-4), South Carolina (-2), Louisiana (-2, revised SDI target to 35+ from 30+), Virginia (-2), Mississippi (-3), Indiana (-2), Missouri (-1), Nebraska (-2), Idaho (-1), New Hampshire (-2), Montana (-2)

I might revise the target SDI guesses of two more states (up) next week around this time.

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