COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Will this be in Trump’s 3rd or 4th term?

None of us will live to 1000 cases a day at this rate.

No, you don’t.

I know it looks like some of us are cheerleading the cases and deaths but it’s more that we’re resigned to watching people get sick and die as Trump actively sabotages every effort to control this.

In January, when there were 5 confirmed cases in the US, Trump’s response was

We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five [cases]. And those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for us.

He then wasted the entire month of February downplaying the seriousness of the virus and calling it a Democrat hoax saying ridiculous shit like

And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

when we had ten thousand cases and the next day he said

It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.

and the next day he said

The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus… One of my people came up to me and said “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia, that didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in… And this is their new hoax.”

From the fucking start, this absolute dumbfuck waste of oxygen has viewed this as something meant to hurt public opinion of himself and not a serious once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic impacting every fucking country on Earth.

We still have shortages of high quality masks for frontline healthcare workers because he won’t invoke a law that requires companies to make them, and has only invoked it a few times to make small amounts of masks and ventilators but even then it was more to belittle a woman and shit on an American company for not kissing his ass

When individual states stepped up to take responsible action and implement shelter in place orders, what did he do?

We’ve been stuck watching this moron hope that if he ignores a pandemic it will just magically take care of itself for 6+ months, constantly moving the bar of what a “win” would be from one unrealistic number to the next.

In March:

In May:

So the tl;dr is we’re not rooting for people to die, we’re mocking this shitstain and his disastrous handling of this situation when we’re still in the first fucking wave and we’re smashing through the death totals he said would mean he did a great job because all we can do is watch it play out.

And none of that even touches on the fact that 35% of the country agrees with him and refuses to wear a goddamn mask because “muh freedumbs”.


I would give this all my hearts for the day.


It depends on what you are going there for. If it’s for something acute, the urgent care is likely better. But even that is not necessarily true. There was some eye doctor on 22 who claimed that for many acute eye problems, you are way better of finding an ophthalmologist’s office than going to an emergency room or urgent care.

There are tons of people who go to emergency rooms and/or urgent cares for problems that are not acute. In those cases, going to relevant doctor’s office is probably the best thing.

However, going to an urgent care is pretty much never the best thing under any circumstances. If you’re acutely ill, then a proper emergency department is definitely best.

I think the main reason people go to urgent cares is because of access, which may be due to insurance, proximity, or other reasons.

There is a lot of variance for urgent cares also.


“You have to remember the kind of people who are coming to Las Vegas right now. It’s the people who are the least concerned about this outbreak right now—least likely to follow the social distancing,” he said, noting that tourists are not counted in Nevada’s numbers.

“The Signature at MGM Grand had three months to prepare and they didn’t. None of our upper management had a clue what to do and that’s unfortunate. They put a lot of us and our families at risk.”

It’s like they really believed it was a relatively harmless hoax.

I think this question got way too much heat.

Would it be wrong to ask how many more deaths from all causes you expect from 4 more years of Trump vs 4 years of Biden? Because, to me, that’s roughly the same question.

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Im not convinced Covid is actually eradicated here on election day 2024 if Trump wins.

I’m not convinced it’s eradicated here by 2024 regardless of who wins. But it is very unlikely to be if Trump wins.

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I agree with both of these. But they only partially address the overall question of how much (if any) more deaths will you have under Trump vs Biden.

If I pulled a number off the top of my head, I’d say 1M American lives over four years. I’m likely way underestimating. Globally, I can’t even. Once you start factoring in climate change…

The difference between number of deaths if it had been Biden from the start vs Trump is huge. By the time, God willing, Biden takes office so much damage will have been done it will be harder to have a huge impact.

Ya if we ever get to travel again we will be superspreaders.

If Trump holds onto power I don’t think we’re going to be allowed to travel for a while. On that timeline, liberals might be allowed to seek asylum in Canada in a year or so if we quarantine first.


So basically the plot of Handmaids Tale. Cool cool.


Even that may be harder than you think. Johnny Truant getting his wife into Canada is not trivial, and she is married to a Canadian and has two Canadian children.


Well, minus the slavery. Probably.

What you say is true right now, but I’m hoping standards might relax a bit once the public executions begin.

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Maybe there will be exceptions. Zero corona deniers have traveled much. Maybe 20% have hit Cancun, London or Paris. The other 80% don’t leave because this is the “greatest place on earth”.

If we have passport stamps no deplorable would have maybe we get an exemption?

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that would make my mower fly into the next parallel universe