COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

vow renewal? I’d probably just say “I’ll be there for the next one”

No, I don’t get invited to those things why do you ask?


Couples that expect other people to show up to a vow renewal have to have an eventual divorce rate exceeding 90%


Completely agree with you guys. We didn’t want to go prior to Covid either. How narcissistic do you have to be to expect your whole family to come to a vow renewal to show that he won’t be fucking strange this time again.

It’s dumb as fuck and they are dumb as fuck.


That’s 57% in the hospitals; if 60% don’t get hospitalized then it’s more like 23% total, which is still a ton.

He’s really not.


I think your post was an appropriate reaction to the post you were responding to.

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I would be thrilled if they started caring in November because then maybe they’d take it seriously and we could save more lives.

But they won’t.

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Would still be a net positive on society if they do because it’s not like the liberals are going to stop caring about it. Let the conservatives attack him for not doing enough, fine with me.


Here’s the beauty of winning: it no longer fucking matters what they say. Democrats somehow didn’t understand this in 2009, maybe they do now. I mean probably not, but maybe.


Reported deaths. I have no illusion on actual deaths. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Jfc this damn virus. When was the last time the news was on the less severe side? I’d put that at never.

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Also I don’t remember the time frame but I thought we were talking by election time.

About 3fiddy

Are Urgent Cares better than most Drs. offices?

4.2% Earth’s population

33% New cases of Covid


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Lol, also the post has 12 likes already, so clearly you weren’t the only one who felt that way.

Edit: 13 now.

I have no idea but I would think so. They’re much bigger/well funded. At least the one here is. There is probably a ton of variance in Dr. offices.

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We are at 140k and not even close to the peak of wave one and kids aren’t in school

We are prob hitting 500k

Stealing my work!!


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I mean fuck we are at 70+k cases a day right now.

Once it is magically down to 1000 new cases a day the open up crowd will be screaming again.