COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Some have expressed the view that they support losing as many as it realistically takes to get rid of him, and I wondered what the forum consensus is.

That’s like one person.

The board consensus is human lives aren’t currency to trade for election outcomes.


Great response.

tree fiddy

I noticed that too, along with @goofyballer. I’d be interested in their thoughts about it if they’re willing to discuss.

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Let’s not forget who devalued human lives to the point that they are simply a numerical tally, like the score in a football game.

It was Donald. Fucking. Trump.



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Thats what many here recommend when responding to dumb deplorable stuff.

Literally one person here has said they’re rooting for more deaths to get rid of Trump. Everyone else said they didn’t. I think people like you are doing a form of virtual signaling. OMGosh these people are rooting for deaths, I, an intellectual, would never do that.

There is still a very good chance this virus kills my disabled mom who I take care of. I have never once felt like a lot of people ITT were rooting for anything other than people like my mom to make it. In fact there is a chance they helped me keep her safe by informing me. The vast majority of people in this thread want very, very badly for this to get under control.


Cmon jalfrezi you are better than this. None of us want any of this and you don’t live here so why don’t you kindly shut the fuck up.


How many excess deaths should we expect from a second Trump term and possible loss of democracy?

While I would like to minimize deaths, I can probably tolerate that number minus one. If you can figure out the correlation between deaths due to COVID and Trump’s re-election chances, this reduces to a math problem where there is some optimal number of COVID deaths that minimizes total deaths over a period of four years.

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Not at all. As a non-American I have no skin in that game.

I’m sorry to hear about your mum. I didn’t connect your user name with your posts about her situation form some time ago, which I now remember. Hopefully she will remain safe.


If it’s just one rogue person getting out of line, fine (I have a habit of grunching threads because of the time difference) but it’s not none.

UP look what happens when I follow your advice, I get my first flagged post lol


Superforecasters have gotten a bit more pessimistic in the last week. They estimate the chances of 200k-350k deaths to be 27% by March 31, 2021. 68% chance for 350k-1.1m deaths.

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It’s a vast minority if not just one of us. It absolutely sucks in USA #1 and i think almost all of us want it to be over yesterday.

I personally don’t think you are overall a bad poster but damn this line of attack is just kicking most of us when we are down.


I’m trying to get to bed but need to reply first.

I really don’t mean to kick you when you’re down. We’ve had a fucking tough time of it here too, so we know exactly what it’s like - in fact the death rate / population is much, much higher here so far.

It was a coarse question, and I’m sorry if it’s upset anyone.


dunno if it got posted but neurological problems worse than I thought, far more people.

we have no hope of under 500k unless it disappears soon

We’re healthiest in summer and a bunch of states don’t give a shit.


Heh, yeah, I was at least superficially aware of the problems with the experiment. Wasn’t trying to promote it, just seemed like an on-the-nose analogy.

Oh man, my lawnmower is really going into orbit when Biden wins and every fucking conservative in this country immediately starts caring about the COVID death toll.