COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

My county is currently hosting the perfect storm for an east coast super spreader event. Thousands of maga freedom fighters invading the area for a rescheduled Harley Bike week festival. We got over 10k bikers for the cancelled event in May. This should be interesting.

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7DRA not specific days. Tuesdays tend to catch a lot of deaths not reported over the weekend.

People waiting for a shake shop n a bowling alley to open. 60+ deep lined up an hour b4 opening. Great way to tan in 93’ heat.

I’ve been thinking about this off and on for a bit… Curious what the hive mind thinks about the following.

First, I’m thinking it’s a lock USA#1 goes over 200k COVID deaths.

  • Already at 140k
  • Cases climbing rapidly all over
  • Mitigation strategies (lockdowns, masks, financial support for people to not have to work) are weak, non-existent, or being actively undermined

Agree/not agree?

  • Agree, over 200k easy
  • Disagree, less than 200k

0 voters

Second, I’m wondering if there is any way to stop it before we go over 300k.

  • See all factors above for why the number will continue to increase

In order to get COVID under control the following need to happen:

  • Biden has to win in November
  • He cleans out all the Trumpstain appointees at HHS, CDC, etc.

Then, massive course change at the federal level, including in no particular order:

  • mega efforts toward testing and tracing
  • providing PPE to healthcare and the general populace
  • maximum federal pressure for states to lock down
  • coherent science-based information and guidance which aims to help with the pandemic, not to help reelection chances
  • massive financial assistance to regular people so they can stay at home and not go broke, starve, and get evicted

And all that can’t even get started until late January.

Oh, and also:

  • We almost certainly need an effective vaccine to be developed and distributed in record time.

So, what do you think? Any hope for stopping short of 300k?

  • 0-25% chance of staying under 300k
  • 26-50% chance of staying under 300k
  • 51-75% chance of staying under 300k
  • 76-100% chance of staying under 300k

0 voters

You’re wrong.

We’re going to be at 300K before the election, unless they just don’t count like half the deaths between now and then. I don’t think 300K by then is even a sweat if we actually count.


Yeah, after writing all that out I’m a lot more pessimistic about our prospects.

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Every time I see something like this I just crack up at how the dispensaries i’ve been to manage to enforce social distancing guidelines better than any other business i’ve seen. Like trust me guys you’ll be safer buying drugs than getting milkshakes, these stoners kids are taking this seriously.

I was at a supermarket today and I had to wait at customer service for a while for something and pretty much every 1/3rd person I saw was getting a case of beer or white claws and food for a party. I even saw a couple chads with their masks barely on filming their haul for instagram.


A significant part of regulating public health occurs at the state level. Truly getting COVID under control might require getting all fifty governors on board.

Or border walls between all the states. BUILD THE WALL(S)!!!

Biden winning in November won’t help that poll

We’ll be over 300k before the election, so him winning can’t keep us below 300k

174 deaths in TX today


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One ray of hope: we may see 50%+ schools in bad states go virtual by the time school starts, which will save tens of thousands+ of lives

What the over/under on number of covid deaths people here would be ok with if it meant Trump losing in November?

500,000 to get rid of him?

This is a shitty question. I don’t want anyone to die.


@DanSpartan thinking we have 26-50% chance of staying under 300k is surprising but good news. If there was a poll option to defer to him that would have been my choice.

You are a terrible poster/person.


My friend got a covid test because where she works had a positive and someone in her department had someone in her department have lunch with that person.

Anyways she said it was cake. Make appointment 3 days out, drive up to private spot, someone comes out with n95 resp and gown etc, takes a swab of each nostril, and you’re off. Says the swab wasn’t deep at all. She asked and they said there are different ones I guess? I mean it was an urgent care center I would assume they’re doing a good job.

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Don’t want any extra deaths; we should just vote him out without needing to kill people.

If I were to angle shoot your question tho, 500k is ok to get rid of him because there is 0% chance we don’t hit 500k by the time this whole thing is over; it won’t magically go away

But I’m not trading an actual human life for an election outcome.