COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Good book I suppose because the author was himself a practiced statistical liar.

I mean, maybe I’m being too logical here. But if you have a group of fleeing American liberals, they are going to be on average: intelligent, educated, productive members of any functional society. They would be part of an American brain drain, and I’d expect the likes of Canada, France, Germany, etc to be not only willing but pretty excited to take in those kinds of political refugees.

So if it’s just about COVID-19, stick us all in isolation for 2 weeks along the border. We’re not going to argue with that, as long as it’s on your side of the magical line in the dirt.

How long before Trump thanks these true patriots? Certainly before he acknowledges John Lewis dying.

I’m sure Canadians mostly hate us already. All of us. Especially the liberals who go up to Banff or whatever to ski or the Quebec and talk about how charming it is.

Still, it’s the longest international border in the world and there are like 12 people guarding it.


Maybe this will be enough to get Texas to stop allowing and encouraging its residents to be biological death weapons. How dafuq can they allow this to continue?

Yea but if Biden was POTUS there’s a good chance we stop this in Wuhan with the pandemic team that Trump got rid of.

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Fair that is possible. Not sure how likely.

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I haven’t heard anyone here say they hate Americans. Quite the opposite. I do hear a lot of people say they hate America. That is a common sentiment for sure.

As for the border it has to be the easiest border on earth to cross undetected. There is zero protection across most of it and thousands of km is separated by only a cattle fence.

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How long will it take me to learn the language if I emigrate to Canada?


In Oregon we hated Californians. There were signs that said “Californians: Keep Oregon green. Leave your money and go home.” or something to that effect. There’s got to be some of that in Canada. On the other hand, the way your country is laid out in the arctic with almost the whole population bunching up at the southern and barely habitable border, you may internalize that things to the south are good.

Wait what? How would Biden and the team stopped this in Wuhan? Lots of the initial east coast spreaders are believed to be from Europe.


This comes across to me as just a slightly different flavor of the Arrogant American. I don’t think any of us should expect to be welcomed with open arms anywhere. We should probably ask first, and then make a point of being very polite guests to any country kind enough to have us.


Fuck countries. All of them, not just America.


If Trump does all that it’ll be about as safe to be a Canadian in Canada as it was for a Czechoslovakian to be in Czechoslovakia in 1939.


And where did it come from before Europe?

The Obama administration had an international structure in place to detect and contain these types of things. It was built upon early detection, already having teams in place in various locations around the world and being able to get more there, and then responding on location early and aggressively.

Trump got rid of the whole thing.

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Invalidating the election is the definitive point - or maybe it’ll just seem like more of the same. shrug.

There’s no way in hell Biden would have prevented the outbreak completely. Best case would be something like Germany, but that’s pretty unrealistic as we still have all the red state governors and perhaps the backlash would have been stronger. It’d be a huge thing for there to be half as many cases and deaths and Clinton/Biden/Obama would have been lucky to get that.


No way we ever woulda had less than 100 deaths nationwide no matter who was in charge.



And it was BASED IN WUHAN. That’s the insane part.

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