COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Right. But they won’t call it a shutdown. Desantis will just let mayors do the right thing for him.

Only Kemp seems determined to just kill everyone. He must be gunning for a cabinet position.


Nevada is ticking up insanely as well. When. I say Nevada I really mean Vegas because that is Nevada for the most part. Over a 1000 new cases today with a postivity rate of 23%. Hospitalizations are up 200% over the last month.

This was predictable with LA being a virus factory and mostly shut down. Do SoCal people make up half of Vegas traffic right now if not more? I can’t imagine too many people are flying to Vegas for a vacation right now.

It’s seems cases are going up across the board in most every state mask or no mask. The states run by deplorables are worse but it’s happing almost everywhere. We just don’t have the broad based sense of community we need to work together to solve this. And that is exactly what we should expect from a political system that is based on division.


It’s like we can predict the future.

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Arizona also giving lots of traffic.

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What I found in my graphs today was surprising in at least a few counties at the county level on the latest update. It appears if you were once in a good SDI spot but fell off the wagon that you can begin reducing cases relatively quickly once you get back to my presumed target SDI. The two most noticeable for this were DeKalb and Fulton County, GA. Philadelphia (only one week below target SDI) also re-flattened pretty quickly after restoring the SDI. Arizona is possibly another data point for that, but the measurement period’s data for SDI isn’t complete yet and I’ll be able to see if this is holding true for the rest of country soon.

Great poker skill in most games below nose bleed level!

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And say we get R<1 through something short of a shutdown. Then all the deaths, all the lives messed up by new chronic ailments, all the strain on healthcare workers—everything—was all for a few drinks at the bar, and a some theoretical gains for our corporate overlords.

You can look at lots of things in our society as sacrifices at the altar of capitalism. The war in Iraq, homeless people, climate change. But this one might have the highest social calamity to payoff ratio. Many states with 10x, 50x, 100x more deaths than were necessary if we just did what we had to do without throwing a big COVID death cult party beforehand.


Eh, he dragged his feet on the shutdown, kept it vague, and never put any real weight behind it. Our case and fatality rate reductions trailed NY and other area states quite a bit. Pretty sure he’s going to go for full school reopen with no real plans or precautions.

The big question now imo is, assuming no lasting immunity and no vaccine, what do they do once a lot of people start getting it a second time. Letting it burn through once is dumb enough and close enough to a death cult, letting it burn through repeatedly is a legit death cult.

Which he only cares about because he wants to be POTUS in 2024.

The Republican strategy is a race to herd immunity. Trump started referring to it endearingly as “herd” a couple months back. That was the tell. The sooner they get it, the sooner they can tell blue states to fuck off, no more bailouts.

The fun starts a few months later when they get another wave. I’m starting to think we’re drawing very VERY live to NY and CA leading the way on a parade of blue state secessions if Trump wins over these issues of “blue state bailouts” and the fact that blue states already subsidize red states.

We’re literally paying them to fuck us over. It’s gotta end at some point.

It’s going to be a bloodbath. We’ve got a lot of smart people here, can anyone come up with a reason it won’t be a bloodbath? Unless like half the population has natural immunity, otherwise it’s going to be brutal.

Don’t tents kind of negate this? I mean if the sides are open I guess it still benefits from more air circulation, but if they’re the ones with sides on them then they just made a big outdoor room.

It’s hopeless. They’re always going to come up with something. We could be 10 years into this mess, the rest of the world having effectively eradicated it via vaccine, and we’ll still be mired in death because of these idiots who won’t wear masks or think it’s fake.

We’re going to have to pass some kind of law requiring vaccination to enter public spaces, and it’s going to be hugely controversial. People won’t do it if their own free will and we can’t function as a society without it.

I think the o/u is like 50% effectiveness, but hopefully it at least makes cases less severe. I think most of us are getting it here in USA#1 between now and 2022, it’s not like Biden can just flip a switch. If he wins, he’s inheriting the world’s biggest dumpster fire. It’ll make what Obama inherited look easy.

You’d think we’d learn, but we’ll probably elect like DeSantis in 2024 or 28. Maybe Kobach.

I’m not proud of it, but I’m at the point where I just want to get on with it. We need X cases and X deaths before enough people believe it’s a real pandemic with a real disease and a real threat of death so that we can join the rest of the world in managing it.

Given that, sooner is better than later. I’m not sure if that makes me a terrible person, but I would prefer that we suffer as a country more deeply for less time than less deeply for longer, given that the deaths are coming either way.

The odds of luckboxing our way out of this mess are astronomical.

We brought it on ourselves. We elected a moron. We didn’t take the streets in the many instances where it was clear we should. We watched him rip brown kids away from their parents and lock them up, ban Muslims, attack healthcare, talk highly of Nazis.

This is on us. And the people screaming about tyranny wity mask mandates, insisting that the Constitution guarantees them to rawdog a Walmart trip, throwing temper tantrums, etc, deserve whatever they get.

What are we supposed to do? Ignore the numbers? Not react in astonishment at what the South is doing totally voluntarily?

And if a MAGA covidiots wants to give their money away. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.

I haven’t been presented with that opportunity, but I’d take it. $X less dollars potentially supporting Trump, and a little non lethal pain that might wake them up to reality.

Ehhh. I don’t know if I “deserve” this, but I don’t not deserve it. I could have done more to make sure Trump didn’t win, I sat on my ass. So it’s on me, and for that I now have to suffer. As a country we allowed everything that led us hear to happen. We could have knocked doors in 2016, encircled detention centers at any point, taken the streets over any of the many awful things they have done.

We did not. We said, “Ehhh we’ll deal with that in 2020.”

Well, it’s 2020 and we’re dealing with it. I’m not going to tell other good people they deserve this. But deep down I know we all deserve our own little piece.

This too. USA#1 is sarcasm.

Sir, you’re in America, this is COVID-n-Out. Do you want fries with that?


I had a really pure I told you so today, unfortunately. It terrifies me that I was right. But after the Trump EO and the Barr letter on June 26, I told my friend it was like the Reichstag Fire Decree and they’d be rounding up protesters soon. He told me I was nuts. Sent him the article and video of what is happening in Portland. He’s basically got nothing to say about it other than “We have to vote.”

Dudes been insinuating I’m a conspiracy theorist nutter for like 3 years and mostly doing so by denying reality and punting on it til enough time has passed that he forgets. The 2.5-3 week timeline was succint enough to register.


Same. There’s a chance, at least.


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Why are we assuming this?

Gaslighting isn’t a new term, it’s just been the hot one recently. It comes from a 1938 play, and subsequent 1944 movie.

You might think I am making a joke, but I’m not, but it is funny.

I don’t remember watching the film. But college me gave the film a rating on IMDB. I’m pretty sure college me gaslight myself.


Not sure if serious. As in, I thought everyone knew where the term came from and that’s how people understand what it means. (well, the movie, not the play)

I don’t fucking know anymore…but I do know this


I’m not sure why 20 year old me watched it. But I think I watched it, or as that just me gaslighting myself. Seems like something 20 year old me would do to me.

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Are you having a stroke right now?

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Well, unofficially yes.

Official Deaths = Infections + Time - Prior Health Conditions - Data Manipulation * Lying

I’m realistically expecting about five years until a full return to normal. Between slow improvements and growing increasingly comfortable with the situation we may feel somewhat normal in 2021 or 2022, but I think it’ll be longer than that before most UPers are dining in restaurants and flying on planes.

I’m not sure what’s worse, that we’re a disgrace or that most of us are powerless to change that. It’s so frustrating.


A few beers, thought it was slightly amusing. Well fuck this shit


Well they’re going to love the Trumpvilles, then.

It all depends on how good they are at messing with the data.

But will we count the cases we missed as COVID-19 deaths? May not show up until we analyze excess deaths.

I really think some of these red states are going to be taking a serious run at herd immunity.

Nothing is guaranteed, and that’s a scenario nobody is discussing. What happens if the places letting it burn and chasing herd immunity do so, only to discover there’s no such thing?

Also, so far evidence points to 2-3 months of immunity and relatively ineffective vaccines.

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