COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Went to my “favorite” RWNJ facebook feed, and she still posted this 3 days ago

god fucking damn it

maybe I am having a stroke, fuck

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I must be having a stroke to think KY’s AG is filing a lawsuit against our governor to try to make mask ordinance illegal

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Israel moving back to a lockdown of sorts. All restaurants closed, public beaches closed. No more than 10 people gatherings allowed in public. 20 in open spaces.

The political aspect is pretty interesting, as low-life Bennett is now hitting low-life Netanyahu from the right and gaining a lot of ground in polls. But at the same time he is getting support from the left, who is also trying to hit Netanyahu. The protests against Netanyahu are intensifying, so he came up with the surprising idea to give each person ~250 USD.

This fucking country. Man. I played golf today then hung out with my buddy and his wife and daughter in their backyard. Kept our distance, except while we ate - probably about 3 feet apart then.

Anyway, basically no news intake all day and it was so uplifting. Getting caught up at night tonight is just like being hit by a freight train.


Well as far as I know we are the only state where AG has tried to go against governor mask ordinance. Well at least we aren’t Georgia?

In Wisconsin I think it was the state legislature that sued the governor for the shutdown. In Georgia the ban on mask mandates.



Do you think the majority of people who vote Ron DeSantis want to be OPEN FOR BUSINESS or shutdown even if they hit 500 deaths a day?

I say the mostly remain open because that’s what the majority of his voters and more importantly his donors want. Like do you think the villages will be happy with Ron if he shuts down all their bars and pool parties etc?

I’m sure a good chunk will actually want a lockdown but I think they’ll vote for Ron regardless. The OPEN FOR BUSINESS crowd though will absolutely lose their shit and compare him to hitler and definitely never vote for him again.

Plus if this goes against what daddy wants and daddy starts attacking him he’s FUCKED. Like there is a decent chance Trump starts tweeting LIBERATE Florida if they lockdown cuz a group of crazy gun nuts protest the lockdown.

Plus locking down Florida will make Trump look bad so he will definitely go ham on DeSantis.


I don’t think many people that will vote again for Desantus will be thinking about COVID. I think most will be thinking “he’s better than a SOCIALIST”


Lockdowns and masks are communism though…

Roll Tide y’all


Wait is that real? I know the last time something like that was posted of a counties facebook page it was a meme page.

Checked their facebook page and not seeing it :sob:

Italy and Britain have populations a fraction the size of the US and their deaths/population at their peaks so far were far worse then even @Danspartan predictions.

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It’s a meme page thanks for ruining my dreams


Is this from population density? There are some structural advantages to being in Wyoming or Montana when dealing with a disease that is transmitted person to person.

I think its more accurate to compare them with NY because of high population density, multi-generational homes and also Italy has a super old population. Much older than the US.

Yeah, but I don’t think that’s how people process it. I think they are programmed to associate anything with Dems as liberal/communist/bad, so everything else is downstream from that. So when they are making their decisions about voting it’s not, I value the ability to not wear a mask, therefore DeSantis, it’s Dem is bad therefore DeSantis is acceptable.

Maybe for some. I think lots will stay home because both sides are bad.

I dunno we will see, I just don’t see him doing a shutdown. Maybe like others said he punts it to mayors or does some half measures to slow the spread.