COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I kind of think that outdoor stuff like ozarks is probably Medium-less bad. Stuff where you sit in one place in very close proximity at say outdoor campaign events are probably most bad.

Marches where people where masks probably the least bad of the risky outdoor activities.

The worst outside is probably better than a medium inside event.

Also I wonder if some outside events turn into a lot of um inside events late in the evening.

Then I guess I am factoring it in somewhat. I’m not technically factoring masks, but I am using various factors that can create a lower SDI target guess or higher guess. Most of those are based on things like population density and early response.

As for your ideas about SDI, yes, that’s the problem. At the beginning we were much closer to that 1 you talked about in most places with 1 week of bad SDI and no mask wearing. Now we have on average 4 weeks of bad SDI and maybe 50/60 percent compliance with mask wearing depending on where it is. In most places in the country, we’re starting from a wayyyy higher baseline of active cases than we did in March.

As an FYI, I’m going to be making my underlying data (along with the graphs) public via a google sheet within the next several days. I’ll do that once I’m able to complete the 6/24-6/30 SDI data set. You might see things in that data I won’t when you look at it that might help at triangulating what’s going on. What I’m hoping to see in the latest measurement period is a significant increase of SDI everywhere (3+ points). If it’s still down…

Something like this seems OK.

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David Price not playing this season. I wonder how many more big name athlete will skip this season.


Nice ratio. Strange if that’s today tho, very little drinking and none of any visible AmurIca gear. I’m anxious to know the pool plan too. The 2 times we have went we just farted around in the water for an hour steering clear of people and chairs. Is bringing your own chair and staying 10 feet away from people an option there?

That Hampton water will make your balls ache :confounded: n August. Literally the coldest I’ve been in. My old, old stomping grounds…

Lol Delta House

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Lolololo. “ miss his teammates”. He doesn’t even know most of them yet, also the timing. I respect his own decision and if I had picked 20 mlbers to skip the season , he woulda been in that group.

A number have already backed out. Buster Posey came to camp today but said he’s still not sure, I think many are seeing how it plays out before deciding. An even larger number of players have tested positive.


Mike Trout is about to become a father, and he seems very much on the fence. If he opts out, a lot more players are going to be wondering what exactly they’re doing.

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Went to my condo complex pool today with my ex. You have to make an appointment and they basically give you half the pool for 1 hour. A DMZ in the middle of the pool is marked off with ropes - separating the two sides. Someone else reserved the hot tub area. When we were done they came and wiped everything down for the next group. We have another pool that they also split in half.

I was actually pretty impressed with how much work they put into the whole operation. Made me wonder if other complexes are really going this far.



Jesus fucking christ

“Guess I had a few too many lung darts when I was beered up in the lake, can’t shake this cough”


Anyone know why LA hasn’t reported data since Thursday?

It’s yesterday. Bringing my own chair is not really an option. It’s a big space so I plan on trying to find a time with like < 10 people there to go down so I can distance myself.

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Yesterday? Well then you are a goner for sure.

My wife’s grandmother is about to pass in Buffalo. No good covid related reason not to go if everything is outside .

My cousins wife decided it was a good idea to vacation in Florida last week. She hasn’t been feeling well. She got tested at our local hospital Wednesday or Thursday and it came back negative. Now she has a fever, so she went to Ohio State Medical Center today, and they did 2 more tests and both came back negative. But they still told her it could be Covid because it is hard to get a good test until 7-10 days have passed since exposure.


I’m seriously considering going to Hawaii to ride out the pandemic. Two week quarantine when you get there but who cares, it’s no different than what I’ve been doing. Rent a car after that and do all the hikes. Not sure if this makes me a bad person, I’ll be pretty scared getting there and will probably have to come back by the end of the year.


Do it. Compared to the rest of America you are totally fine.