COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I’m sorry and it sounds harsh but how are deaths so low?

Looks like a nice pool but sucks they aren’t enforcing any distancing or capacity rules.

Side note: Not sure of you care or not but it’s pretty easy to figure out what apartment complex you live in based on info in that photo.

Red states aren’t counting deaths with comorbidities.

Yes we are. Except it is safer in the water.

I’d consider waiting until late October and then try to ride out the entire winter.

I suspect there’s no easy single answer to this. For NY and NJ and much of Europe, you can clearly see the new deaths track new cases with a ~10 day lag. But we’re not seeing that in Florida. What’s going on?

On one hand, hospitals may be under-counting cases by not, for example, calling it a COVID death if you have a stroke. But if they’re doing this systematically, the death toll should still move upward as new cases move up.

Maybe part of what we’re seeing is expanded testing capturing a larger portion of people with mild cases? Also, with bars opening in Florida and summer funtime beach parties, I’m guessing we’re seeing a big increase in younger people getting infected. Also, maybe hospitals are getting better at treating COVID cases? I haven’t heard much new on that front. Maybe also nursing homes are developing better practices for keeping everyone from catching COVID. I don’t know, there’s probably a bunch of confounding factors at play.


Yeah I suspected the rate to be lower but the level quoted above in the thread (16 deaths for 11.5k cases) is shockingly low even with what I agree is going to be a considerably lower death rate than NY/Italy

Yeah, although the rent prices being so low right now is a reason I can do it. If things start getting better the rent will go up. I feel like a covideplorable.

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Florida has a super low death rate compared to most states throughout every phase of this thing. It was low in April as well. There isn’t another conclusion to draw other than rigging the death numbers. If it was just more testing and younger people getting it you wouldn’t see them have a low death rate in April AND now. It would have been high in April and low now. That isn’t what we see.

You also literally have the person who was fired for refusing to rig the Florida Covid dashboard saying it is rigged.


Plus the big spread right now is in a younger median age, but that’s just a delay until it hits the old folks home.

But yeah a lot of red state shenanigans. Once the death certificates pile up and the excess death term becomes apparent we will learn that rise has already started. But no worries, with these case rates the bodies will pile up so fast DeSantis and Abbott won’t be able to hide them for much longer.

There is a reason they fired the person responsible for reporting the FL stats. She refused an order to cook the books.

Possibly someone w a lot of spare time could check obits rn compared to last year?

Truly unbelievable. This fucking country.

I think that theory is a bit facile. Again, even if they’re rigging the numbers by counting comorbid deaths as not COVID, we’d still expect the numbers to move with new cases. We’re also seeing the same thing in CA and TX. It takes a lot of weirdly specific riggage in multiple states to produce what we’re seeing. And then you have to wonder why they aren’t also rigging the # of new cases figures.

There’s just too many things at play to draw any cut-and-dry conclusions right now imho.

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California exceeded 100 deaths in the last couple days. Most larger blue states have 1/10th the case numbers as Florida/Texas and are in the same ballpark for deaths. Wouldn’t your arguments about it being the result of more testing and lower age of infected apply there too? They don’t seem too.

Also wake me up when you post something that ends up panning out in these threads. Calling my argument facile when your arguments are literally the superficial and simple ones (and frankly the Fox News talking points)is laughable man.

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CA is showing the same discrepancy FL and TX are.

lol, my argument is literally that there are no easy explanations for what we’re seeing. Calm down and try again.


I got a kick out of this too. You guys are constantly throwing out bold predictions with 100% confidence and they almost never pan out. 5k deaths a day, 1M+ new cases a day. My constant refrain here is that no one knows where we’re headed and this shizz is complicated and hard to predict.


Some of the outdoor photos you all are posting seem totally fine to me. :man_shrugging:

(That Diamond Lake video being a notable exception.)

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Did you know California was also on the list of states not following CDC guidelines for reporting deaths? Just like Texas, Florida and Georgia? I bet you didn’t.

That’s literally the answer and I’ve been telling you this for weeks now. There is tons of evidence to support it.

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I’m old enough to remember you trying these same lectures with your model that predicted 1.4m TOTAL cases, 70,000 TOTAL deaths and this whole thing being over at some point in May.

Your whole “no one can know anything schtick” is idiotic when you have literally been wrong about most things, and been explained why before they happened why and then keep trotting this out. Over and over.