COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I’ve met her, having worked in broadcasting for the NBA D League team in the area. She was extremely nice, we discussed her charity work, and she came across as extremely down to earth and genuine. Hope she wins whatever lawsuit arises. It was also really cool seeing how excited little girls at the game were to see her and go running up to her, and she was great with them of course.


I’m hoping people like this are well payed trolls and society isn’t as fucked as we think it is.

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I’m not sure how much💰I would pay for a guaranteed first class seat nexT to Ted Cruz for 3-4 hours. If it was a charity auction that he didn’t know about I would blow a figure for that…ah privilege.

At 15k cases a day everyone in Florida should have Covid19 in about 4 years , or the time span it took to develop a mumps vaccine⭕️

Face coverings to be mandatory in UK shops

:snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:

What if I told you these people were already toddlers, long before Trump?

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‪I like how Ben Garrison even has to label Uncle Sam USA because most of his target audience would be too dumb to get that otherwise‬.

And Dan Scavino calling Fauci a colleague as if they’re on the same level is :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

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Are they making you sign a liability waiver?

I thought you were talking about the Alabama senator for about 10 seconds and was very confused.


I mean, there are worse things that could happen.



My dog has been vocally trying to warn us about the dangers of squirrels for years!


Unknown, at the moment.

Interesting casualty of the pandemic: coins.

Kroger announced that it’s going to stop giving coins as change from cash transactions. Instead, shoppers have two options: 1) Round up to have the coin difference donated to charity, or 2) Have the change put on their loyalty card to be applied to their next purchase.

Apparently, since people haven’t gone out and shopped as much the last few months, there are way fewer coins in circulation.


Been going on at CVS locally for a while . Guberment succumbed and laid off employees in the coin dept. Also, in branch personal banking has been shut down for the part so one is redeeming coin savings.


This should lead to another series of great videos of adults acting like children when somebody that doesn’t have a loyalty card but also doesn’t want to donate spare change to charity decides to pull a nutty and refuses to leave the store without their dime and two pennies. And people still paying with cash has to have a strong overlap with nutjobs.


The nutjob talking point re: no cash excepted in this checkout lane is “just another way for them to control and track us.”


There’s a flesh-eating bacteria that pops up down here every couple summers; I assume that will be making a dramatic late-summer appearance. Probably right after three Cat 5 hurricanes plow into Miami, New Orleans, and Houston simultaneously.

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I’m trying to think of times when I use cash at a regular store (meaning not like a festival or something where they might not have card readers). I think the only time I might use cash is if I’m running in for one little thing that costs a buck or two and I happen to have a buck or two on me.

I use cash at the farmers market (even though most accept cards now) and for one prescription that costs something like 37 cents, so I feel bad putting it on a card. Other than that, almost never.