COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Apparently, my school is going to hang its hat on “you don’t really have to quarantine unless you’ve been closer than 6ft for more than 30 minutes.” I can’t wait to go back to work. Not. Sigh.


Number one priority for Mitch right now, making sure companies can’t be held liable when workers start stopping dead.

If I were pitching and Mitch McConnell were at the plate I’d throw two behind his head, get kicked out of the game, and beat the shit out of him.


This would get those rednecks down south to wear masks:


Reminds me of this:


If you get 2 weeks severance, it counts as 2 weeks of pay whenever you get it. Most states have a 1 week waiting period before you can collect your first unemployment check. I’m gathering that’s the 3 weeks they’re talking about.

She’s been the MVP multiple times while having to occassionally miss games thanks to complications due to Lyme Disease, but sure, let’s refuse to pay her if she wants to protect her health by not heading down to Florida for the WNBA season. (If the panel of doctors says you are high risk, you can opt out of the season and receive your salary. If they say you’re fine, you have to play for pay.)

Before everyone freaks out about this. OCBE is not a district, it just makes recommendations. It basically punted to the districts in OC to make their own decisions.

Our state chief medical officer is saying hundreds of people will be hospitalised in coming weeks … we have just over 1000 active cases so far. This is Australia so maybe honest reporting. Seems high though.

Not sure where else to post it but Grant Imahara from Mythbusters died. Had a brain aneurysm. Fucking 2020 man. Dude was awesome.


I remember Randy Johnson pitching to Kenny Lofton, Seattle at Cleveland and Johnson threw slightly up and in, but not super close. Lofton spazzed out and claimed it was at his head. Next pitch was 97 at his head and you could clearly read Johnson’s lips saying “THAT was at your head” when the camera panned back to him. Can’t find it on YT and would pay money to see it again.

Edit–Can’t find video, but this article describes it pretty nicely:

It’s even funnier than I remember:

With one out in the third, Johnson buzzed a pitch by Lofton’s head. Lofton and the 6 foot 11 Johnson walked toward each other as the benches cleared, with Alomar the first to get between them.

Things calmed down until Piniella started screaming and going after Lofton. He was trying to tell him that it was a breaking pitch and he wasn’t throwing at him.

With order finally restored, Johnson threw a second pitch in almost the same spot to set off another bench-clearer.

“Well, the second one was a fastball. You’ll have to ask Randy about that.”


Maybe he’s looking for a new job because he’s sick and tired of people mistaking him for the Mayor of Miami and having to keep explaining to people that he’s the Mayor of Miami-Dade county and no it is not weird for a county to have a mayor god dammit.


LMAO they’re going to crash the stock market themselves, but it’s what their donors want. Take out all their winnings, pay no tax on the gains, crash the market, buy back in low.

GOP to working class: Can I interest you in… [checks notes] $500 to die for the Dow?

Return to work bonuses aren’t a bad idea, in theory, but they’re a way to grease the gears of the economy once the fundamentals dictate re-opening and re-hiring. Right now they’re pointless. They would only serve to show how stupid their own, “But we’re paying the poors more to stay home so they’ll NEVER go get a job,” argument is.

I see Ted Cruz has entered the opening round of the 2020 Darwin Awards.


I think if I was sitting across from him, I’d just start clearing my throat like I had a little tickle and was trying to suppress a cough. Enough for him to hear it, but nobody else. I’d keep ramping this up and see how uncomfortable I could make him. Then when he went to get up to grab his bags from the overhead, I’d get up at the same time and let a big old cough rip.

“Sorry, Senator. Don’t worry, I’ve only had this cough for a couple days, it’s probably just the flu. Man, this flight was a lot more relaxing than my connection from Miami! Hey, can I get a selfie?”

(Assuming of course that I was confident I did not have COVID-19. I don’t want to kill him, I want to make him suffer emotionally for making bad choices that endanger Americans.)


If they pile super spreader events on top of the current situation there, it isn’t going to matter how much they freak out at that point.

Wait, wait, hold the fuck up. People are willingly flying to the United States from Europe right now?


I don’t think they’re going to like any of the solutions Joe Public comes up with in such a scenario.

After reading this negotiating book, I think the playbook should be to treat it like a negotiation and walk them to the solution we want by asking a series of open-ended (but leading) questions. Use their language/vocab, frame things in ways that we know we will get the answer we need, and then walk them through loving their country, loving their fellow Americans, loving the soldiers, giving up freedoms after 9/11 to protect ourselves from terrorists, (leap of faithi) temporarily giving up freedoms to halt COVID-19.

I actually disagree here, they’ve discussed it already and McConnell has talked about capping it at 100% of prior earnings, which shows you that they’re considering it. My guess is there will be a little gap because they’ll need to see the suffering impact themselves and their constituencies, but I think it’ll get done.

When Mister D. Jones lets them know it’s necessary, it’ll happen.

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No, not right now.

Oh wait was that next summer and I misread it? Hope they’re refundable tickets.

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When reached for comment, the Washington Generals coach Nancy Pelosi said, “Leverage? Lol fuck you.”

When reached for comment, Washington Generals GM Charles Schumer said, “Ohhh we like holidays. It’ll be like Juneteenth, but for rich white people! Oh, excuse me for one second I have another call, it’s the owner, I have to take this. Zuck, you’re CEO bitch! Good news, big holiday coming up for you!”