COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I’d jump at the opportunity to cash in my 401k tax and penalty free right now.


These are actual things that toddlers do. The other lady throwing things out of her basket in frustration. This lady laying on the floor in a place of business refusing to move. Trumpism turns these people into toddlers.


Random aside, why does the Twitter Bio for Miami’s Mayor sound like he’s using it as a resume to apply for another job? Like putting the size of his budget really put it over the top.

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Party of small government obv

Here in Ontario, our provincial government has looked southward and decided it’s perfectly fine to open up bars, restaurants, gyms, etc. on Friday in much of the province. This despite not having a coherent plan to reopen schools in the fall.


My favorite of those is


They were always toddlers they just haven’t been told “no” before.


Maybe it’s a Coles thing then.

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Yes, I think we should be able to hook it up. I’ll start looking into it in detail, and PM the info. If I can just hook it up myself, I’ll do that, but I might need you to do something as the spreadsheet owner, so I’ll let you know.

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Northern Ontario and Manitoba are in it together and haven’t had a case in like 13 days, down to 1 active case. Schools definitely reopening.

Headline, as usual, is dumb. She gave it to one person (probably through surface contact with elevator buttons) and then it spread throughout their condo tower.


Well I know what tonight’s nightmare is going to be now.

at least part of this has to be due to rural areas mostly not having covid yet


The traveller had used the elevator alone. So there had been no direct contact. In this case, the researchers believe the daughter who lived on the floor below must have touched her face, eyes or nose after later using the same buttons or leaning against the same panels

If only they didn’t test her, all those cases could have been prevented.


That’s why I’ve been using a magic marker to press the elevator buttons in my building

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How do people read the numbers now?


So I got a letter today from unemployment that since I got 2 weeks severance (not on final day but 2 weeks later) when laid off that I now am ineligible for 3 weeks for unemployment. Not sure how that works out and I’ll appeal, but I’m sure they’ll find a way to make it stick.

I specified the severance when I applied and sent them the letter that laid it out, but now they want to do this. I guess if my company had paid the severance on my final day I’d be fine but because they paid it 2 weeks later it counts against me.

Why not use your child?

because then they would get infected ffs

Yikes. Sorry to hear that Nick.

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