COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Shopping trip report: 100% masks in CVS and Vons (Albertsons brand market). Caveat: I do shop in an old folks neighborhood. And… so much for Back-to-School perhaps… LAUSD (2nd largest in US) and SDUSD (20th largest) pulled the plug on opening up.

However, anecdotally at least, mask usage is way up in San Diego city- wide. We now got a seemingly perpetually burning Navy ship spewing noxious headache inducing fumes far & wide. Of course, it’s too hot to close the windows at home right now.

The Navy never says what’s burning, so like usual… no way of knowing how dangerous these fumes are, or how to treat inhalation of it… or what it contributes to exasperating re: Covid-19 during these locally peaking case loads.


It went away in April.

Super depressed. No one at work wore masks and the looks I got wearing one and isolating was way worse than the looks they give my boss when he starts off on flat earth.

On my way home I passed three pools. All were packed.

Neighbors are having some sort of workout party in their home gym, looks like a dozen people showed up and are working out in their garage.

We are doomed


Where are you?

Upstate South Carolina, Greenville

Thoughts and prayers

I don’t believe you. Use your one time


I’m assuming this means as a family we should quarantine for 14 days?

We’re scheduled to close on a house this Friday. We’ve already disclosed to our attorney the issue and she advised the closing company. We’re waiting to hear back from them.

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So my high risk friend I’ve mentioned works in a warehouse. Apparently a girl that works there lives with someone who tested positive. She kept coming to work without getting a test. Friday she started to show symptoms, came to work, and eventually told HR who sent her home. Problem is she eats lunch everyday without a mask of course with a girl who works in the same department as my friend. HR sent the two girls home until they can produce a negative test.

Heres the thing. The company didn’t tell anyone else about it. Is that standard? That seems fucked up, is there some HIPPA laws or some shit the prevents them from informing everyone?

My friend is pretty furious, she interacts with the girl who eats lunch with symptomatic girl all the time. If she’s symptomatic she’s been sick for awhile.

Here’s the link to the graphs and data for all of the SDI vs. new cases stuff I’ve done. It’s a publicly available google spreadsheet that should be able to be downloaded along with the graphs, and I’ll be live updating it any time I get new info related to SDI (might be worth bookmarking to find it easily if it’s of interest):

As an FYI, the graphs are 4 to a column, so it doesn’t show all of them at once at 100 percent on the load page. I put the trendline daily graph for each place next to its SDI vs. New Cases by Week graph so it’s a bit more clear to see over the long haul the potential SDI effect comparisons against what’s going on in the trendline graph.

What’s In The Spreadsheet:

  1. SDI vs. New Cases by Week graphs by state and D.C., New Cases Trendline by State and Puerto Rico/D.C. by Day, and SDI vs. New Cases by Week for a number of places at the county level.
  2. New Cases by Week Since 3/11/20
  3. Social Distancing Index Score (SDI) by week Since 3/11/20
  4. New Cases Daily Since 3/11/20
  5. SDI Daily Since 3/11/20 to most recent update of 7/7/20 (as of yesterday)
  6. County Level SDI and Cases (source is different for cases than the rest) based on a benchmark
  7. Response by Place (this has a number of ‘interesting’ facts I’ve compiled throughout the pandemic about what’s going on in various places)
  8. DO NOT USE (when I tried to delete this sheet, it killed a bunch of my graphs and due to the time to fix the graphs to address this I just left the underlying data there and there’s nothing of use in it to look at)

@LodenPants I will try to do the github thing soon. Will this data setup work for what you were wanting? My main thing was wanting to have the ability to live update easily, and this should do that but I don’t know if that creates problems on your end.


Don’t wait until there’s a mask-wearing ordinance in your area to wear one. Don’t just wear one because you might get a $200 ticket if you don’t," Polis told reporters at the press conference. “Wear one because you might save your life. You also might save your job. You might save your stock portfolio. You might keep your local businesses open. Lots of good reasons to wear a mask.”

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HIPPA is an example of something companies and lawyers throw around all the time to intimidate people but has next to no practical application for individuals. It’s not like you can sue and win meaningful damages if your HIPPA rights are violated.


Unsure if other Australians can weigh in but I find it weird that at supermarkets mask usage is up yet ZERO staff wear masks.

I want you to know I steal one of your posts like once a week and put it on fb


I am not an expert on this but California makes it very easy for employees to take action against employers. Definitely not saying that’s a bad thing, but as an employer who has been burned in a situation where I felt like I followed the spirit of the law but it turns out not the letter, being extremely cautious is the only rational approach.

With that said, I feel like it’d be pretty easy to say “someone in the workplace tested positive” without revealing who it was.

Ponies showed at least a 50% increase today


Hopefully you fixed the typo I didn’t notice until now!

Request next thread title be Chapter 6 - I’m going to Costco!

Someone here said something about this sort of thing being the result of entitled people having their (unearned) privileges withdrawn. That seems right to me, but also applies a lot more generally. Trumpism owes a lot to this mentality.

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The staff in my local Woolworths were all wearing masks yesterday. Since the announcement on masks I’ve seen a big uplift. My company is now issuing them for everyone who is still working on sites.

This is Melbourne.