COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

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Anyone care to guess whether Hong Kong had more or less than 27000 cases this weekend?



Breathe deeply Teddy.


I think there are still a lot of people down here in Florida who don’t know anyone who’s had coronavirus. And they’ve seen stories that the virus is more prevalent in minority communities, so they’re not that worried. But if back-to-school turns into a super-spreader event, then I think we’ll see a much bigger freakout down here.

People are afraid of mass shootings, they just don’t agree with you that gun control will prevent them. Their preferred solution is to turn schools into prisons and have periodic practice police raids.

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lol what a nerd

(kidding - that’s cute)


My 2 best friends are restaurant managers in Tampa and they don’t know anyone that’s had it.

I’m curious what the numbers in MA and NH look like starting next week and over the next several weeks. The last two weeks or so it’s been very hot after having a very cool late spring into early summer. But the last couple of weeks everybody has their ACs cranking. And additionally, at least in my area of NH, mask compliance and social distancing measures appear to be waning.

Some idiot at my wife’s work just returned from a Florida vacation. And get this, he now has to stay home and quarantine (good) for 14 days on the taxpayers dime (seriously?). It’s nice working for a school system. He will probably use another week vacation to head down to Florida again as soon as his quarantine is up. 3 weeks paid time off for every week of vacation is a pretty good deal in my book.


Thanks all, I leave the house only for exercise. Consensus among the (surprisingly) rational people I interact with here is the under 30 crowd, which is huge here, is partying like normal, driving the bad numbers.

I think there have been some itt who are definitely on the side of over Qing and there mental health has been or good be affected by that. We also don’t know their specific conditions so there might be a lot more to lose. I would also be careful with the walking around or out not sufferings part of your post. This seems very results oriented. Many of the people exhibiting this behavior, especially down south, are flat out Mo-Rons. There is also a segment who has simply decided if it’s out of sight it’s out of mid. Together , these groups directly contribute to hospital overflow and others suffering, albiet often not knowing it. ,

I went to CVS for the first time in months to get a years work of allergy pills. Sigh on the door saying MASKS REQUIRED. I’m in the back grabbing the meds and I turn around and a little old Disney looking grandma is just staring at me with no mask on. I honestly thought about yelling at this old fucking lady who probably doesn’t even know what decade it is. I took my anger out on the methhead rent a cop that was “patrolling” without a mask on instead.

“Oh oops, it’s in the car, I forgot”

Then patrol your ass back outside mother fucker.


On the subject of kids and schools…

They must not have been good pills like Claritin etc. There’s always a limit on the good ones.

How many active cases does Germany have right now? Is it 75k+ per day?


So apparently - all deaths are being reported now from April and May in order to drive “fear porn” is the new narrative from our buddy ethical skeptic and his ilk.

Can someone decipher and put the smack down on this crap for me?

Kyle Lamb, Todd Lowden and Ethical Skeptic all seem to self-promote each other. They all have the same MO - put out very pretty, very confusing, sometimes official-looking graphs that covid-deniers can point to w/o understanding what they’re saying. They get cagey when you ask for a source:

Table 2 doesn’t seem to have anything like what the other poster is asking for. Unless there’s a link to download the underlying data somewhere - which I don’t see.

365 pack of generic Claritin.

I’ve also seen some numbers being bandied about from the CDC that are used to “prove” that the death rate is way way down, and even that deaths are now LESS than what we should see (expected deaths).

It’s hard for a dummy like me to really dig in too hard, but I see a couple things that stood out to me:

From the cited NCHS - 404 Error - Resource Not Available

“Note: Provisional death counts are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics as of July 13, 2020. Death counts are delayed and may differ from other published sources (see Technical Notes). Counts will be updated periodically. Additional information will be added to this site as available.”


“*Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction and cause of death.”

Not sure if those snippets are even relevant to whatever numbers are being crunched in that colorful graph as I wasn’t able to wrap my brain fully around it.

CDC death counts have always lagged badly the more real-time state reporting aggregators like Johns Hopkins and Worldometers. This seems like simply a slightly more nuanced redux of the “CDC is deleting deaths” nonsense we heard in May when some mouthbreathers realized the CDC provisional death count was like 20k lower than whatever the aggregators had.

So when the CDC records a death from May, does it add to today’s new death #s, or does it go to some revised count for May?

Also do we have any idea what % of cases are significantly backlogged? The guys I quoted are doing that thing where they say “vast majority” w/o really quantifying.