COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Ok now he’s saying see table 1.

So it looks like these guys are playing games with the CDCs massive lag in death reporting. But they’re making it confusing enough that people think the states are recording deaths from May as happening today. Maybe.

The provisional death count is it’s own thing to my understanding. I don’t think any of the major data aggregators use it at all. Their current total provisional death count has been 10k+ deaths behind the entire time and sits at 120k.

The reason why is explained on the CDC website itself:

“Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction and cause of death.”

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They have limits here because of smurfing.

Link’s broken for me :frowning:

Wanted to see what it was in NYC and Philly

Same, server musta exploded from traffic


Sanity prevails.

But still, you wonder if they could try to have smaller classes, skip days and go outside (given it’s LA) whenever possible. But if there is one entity I know is never going to think outside the box it’s LAUSD.

S.C. numbers in:
1532 cases (down but it’s Monday)
21.2% positive (yup)
13 deaths
1488 hospitalizations (about flat)
205 on ventilators (this is growing alarmingly quickly from 177 on Saturday (first day they reported this statistic)


Contains progress chart of vaccine programmes:

Interesting link. The “When will we have a vaccine?” question seems to be one of the issues that most of the experts still widely disagree on so it will be interesting to see how these progress.

Very nice of Brazil to offer their completely unchecked covid spread for our clinical trials.

Glad they’re looking into this at least.

Well yeah. It makes you wonder how much pressure Brazilians were put under to agree to be guinea pigs.

Careful, they’ll lynch you

Defying federal pressure to open schools isn’t thinking outside the box? Do you think they haven’t thought about smaller class sizes for years, while they’re cutting compensation and giving mandatory furlough days for employees because of massive budget cuts?

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One or two keep trying but let them.

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China rolls eyes at countries over slow adoption of mask-wearing

China’s media have been keen to highlight where countries with large numbers of Covid-19 cases have been lax about wearing masks, or have not taken mask-wearing seriously.

In particular, papers have focused on the US and India. It’s big news today in China that US President Donald Trump wore a face mask for the first time in public over the weekend. . Many on the popular Weibo social media platform are asking whether the president has become “scared”, either for his own health, or for his chances at re-election later in the year.

There is also a lot of online reaction to a report in Global Times about diamond-encrusted masks and solid-gold masks are being manufactured in India. Many in China are asking why masks are being treated like a fashion accessory, and not something that could potentially save your life.

China was an early advocate of face-mask wearing, and in late January, papers noted that the outbreak in the central city of Wuhan had led to a “surge in demand)” from consumers all across the country. TV presenters were even wearing them at this point.

Masks have traditionally been worn anyway in the country whenever anybody has even a mild cold. This was a lesson learned from the 2003 SARS outbreak in the country.

China has reported 83,602 confirmed cases of Covid-19 since late December and 4,634 deaths.

Well now they have the opportunity to tell half the kids to stay home - so you can get smaller class sizes. And I bet they could even meet outside at most schools. Although it would be a mess.

LAUSD is horrible. I have direct experience with them and have read tons. I have no faith in them whatsoever.

Kids as buffers worked for ISIS.


One thing I have thought about is that the combination of many states/cities either being in or about to be in a large scale budget crunch might actually help convince school districts to stay closed/do distance learning. It has to be drastically cheaper than whatever gimmicked up version of school most places are planning on.

Has Suzzer hypothesized on the usefulness of Llamas in the fight against Covid-19 yet? (not necessarily hot / humid / dry heat Llamas)

How llamas could help fight coronavirus

Llamas could provide the key to immune therapy in a potential coronavirus breakthrough.

Scientists from the UK’s Rosalind Franklin Institute have used specially evolved antibodies from a llama to make an immune-boosting therapy. The Covid-specific “antibody cocktail” could enter clinical trials within months.

The development has been published in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.