COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

About the same. People here in SLC start melting around 90 F and freak at 100. But to me that’s just warm. Over 110 is hot. Over 115 is brutal. A couple of years ago it was ~119 F and I had to walk around a lot in Tempe. I would try to walk in the shadow of the palm trees. The air felt like a physical thing you had to push through to move.

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Well she basically did that.

DeVos’ response was that it’s not reasonable for them to come up with a detailed plan because every community’s needs are different. So the “plan” is for each local school district to come up with their own plan to open up.

DeVos had two taking points, local control and private enterprise. Rather than waste time on that shit, I would just attack her for being laughably unqualified. She wants free air time, she can deal with it.

“Your resume is basically inheriting money and trying to destroy public education. Why should anyone listen to you given your open hostility for the institutions you now oversee?”

“Secretary, have you ever had a real job?”

“Do you know how stupid you look and sound? Why do you want to do this job?”


That would have been great as well.

[quote=“cuserounder, post:2236, topic:2161”]
My buddy’s mortgage company offered three months forbearance with no interest. He called to kick the tires on it, figuring if it was amounting to an interest free loan he would take it, use it to pay down some debt, and then pay it off down the line. They told him the entire balance was due in one balloon payment in the fourth month.[/quote] That is unusual and does not appear to be standard from what I’m hearing. Most banks seem to be treating it as a loan mod with the money added to the backend as principal. Yeah they’re going to make way more money off of you over the long run because of the interest you’ll be paying, but you’re not going to owe it all at once at the beginning of month 4.

[quote]So the people who had no choice but to take that because they didn’t have the money are about to owe four months of mortgage payments at once. What could go wrong?

I assume what’ll happen here is that companies will foreclose, cite the cratering market as a reason to sell the home to their own holding company for less than the borrowers’ accrued equity - thus robbing them of it, then rent it out to them for like 20% more than their mortgage payment was to get blood from a stone while getting the positive PR of “letting them stay.”[/quote]

Nah, that’s not the way it works. if it does go through foreclosure, it goes to auction, and the auction is conducted by a third party referee appointed by the court, the bank doesn’t get to just “sell it.”

God damnit, someone remind me how to do quotes again.

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Seriously the interviewer who went hardest of all at her today was Chris freakin Wallace :man_facepalming:

Yeah I was talking about longer term problems, which you can’t know without time; no shortcuts for that other than to skip it and hope.

For the 30k, I’m not sure how they select volunteers and if they get enough from various comorbidities, conditions, medicine combos, ages, overall health, ethnicities, etc etc

And then there is that the data wasn’t great on the Oxford vaccine in the first place:

It’s entirely possible that companies are moving to phase 3 even without data showing good results because the money is flowing in to manufacture the vaccine and it’s a race to be first. I’d rather we get an actual good vaccine than a bunch of false hope based on mixed trial results.


This is just I don’t even fucking know anymore

It really is amazing how horrendous these interviews are.

I could, with zero training or experience in this field, 100% give a better interview with Betsy DeVos than these Sunday news clowns. Many of the other regulars here would be much better than I would.

It’s infuriating.


Any high school graduate who took a journalism course could do it, and I’m assuming most of these people graduated both high school and college, and took more than one journalism class. So they must learn the ropes of shitty interviewing on the job.


Well, it is. The reason things are more severe in America is that your hospitals are overrun and medical care is too expensive. People are trained to go, “Ah fuck it. It’ll pass.” and not get treatment when it may be life-saving. I used to refuse to go to the doctor unless it was something severe or life-threatening. Hell, I used that mentality when I first moved to Europe. I broke my collarbone and dislocated my shoulder in a fall and went to A&E instead of the ER because I didn’t think suffering those injuries warranted it. I nearly passed out from the pain by the time I got there but still didn’t think going to the ER was worth it.

In Europe, people get a cough and they go to the doctor. I mean, why not? Your taxes are paying for it. Might as well use it. People are getting treated faster and more often here than in the US. It’s why the death rate in America is nearly double some countries in Europe.

Journalists are pussies with interviews when they care more about having access to these people than getting the truth.


They can decide to sell the foreclosed homes themselves or rent them back to the owners like he said.

They just go to the auction and buy it themselves since the highest bidder often isn’t very high, especially during bad times like post-crisis.

It’s exactly like that where they sell to their own holding company so they can do one of those two things.

What state is that? That is definitely not how it works in NY.

Most if not all states.

I don’t think NY has a law stating the holding company cannot buy the property at the public auction. It’s just highest bid wins.

No, I get that, that’s not what I was saying. Cuse was implying the bank could just sell it to itself. It can’t do that. It has to go to an auction administered by a third party neutral. Yes, they can be the highest bidder, but that means that there was a bidding process.

The agenda is always getting themselves promoted. No one that gets to that point is gonna say “Betsy, how can someone with as much money as you have be such a fucking moron?” Anyone willing to ask that question will never get a chance to ask that question.


It’s the same thing to the borrower. They do what he said:

They buy it with their holding company and then rent back to the old owner instead of evicting them or they sell it for a profit.

Obviously the properties where someone else will pay more for it at auction this doesn’t happen, tho.

Perhaps I misread his post then, I thought he was saying the bank could just sell it to itself at whatever price it wanted to, to turn a profit.


Or maybe I misread it

I would like this more than once if I could. Anyone who thinks there’s going to be a working vaccine before spring is dreaming in technicolor or is trying to sell you something. I’d put significant money on there not being an effective vaccine at any point next year. Clinical trials just do not work like that. The best they’d probably be able to say is that whatever you’re putting into your body won’t kill you.

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