COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Pfft. That’s nothing

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What if I told you there was a place you barely need heat or AC, and can be outside all year round?


I found it very annoying because Bash didn’t deliver the kill shot:

OK, Betsy, you’re saying schools need to open. You’re also saying that communities need to take their local circumstances into account and come up with a plan tailored to their unique needs. So, what if after looking at their situation, they decide the best thing for the community is to close the school? What then?

I only saw some clips, so maybe she got there and I didn’t see it. But presumably if she did, I figure they would have shown it.




But does any of that really matter if nobody’s outside?

World AC demand:

Big difference though is at least 90% of those Latin America units are bedroom only. They simply don’t have AC that cools the whole house - even in like $300k houses on the beach that gringos buy. Electricity is insanely expense. No idea about the Middle East.

I mean, let’s not forget that in lieu of a vaccine or highly effective treatment, we can still resume a somewhat normally functional society with effective and quick testing. Like, spit in a tube, it turns red/green within a couple minutes. We then need literally hundreds of millions of them per week, but we can function.

It’s also worth remembering that even if we can only trigger antibodies for three months with a vaccine, that is probably more likely to mean quarterly vaccines eventually than it is to mean the end of civilization. The big question becomes how much we can produce of vaccines per year, but I’m confident we can scale that.

All that said I’m starting to think the likelihood is that we do not moonshot this thing in early 2021, and it’s a very gradual return to something resembling pre-COVID life over the next 5-10 years.

They’re going to wait until it gets to that point, let the DJIA lose 15-30%, then ram something through super fast so there’s not enough time to scrutinize the trillions they’re giving corporations, and save the day at the last minute. YAYYYYYYYYY! They saved us!

No I’m pretty sure they’re talking about targeting it more so that it cuts out the upper-middle class and middle class people in expensive cost-of-living areas (aka Democrats) and making sure nobody makes more on unemployment than they do working.

Yeah they’re going to wait too long and a lot of poor people and landlord’s will be fucked for a period of time, which will do further economic damage. But the important thing is that nobody gets a handout they don’t absolutely need, and that nobody makes more than they made before. We can’t have that now, can we?!?!?!?

My buddy’s mortgage company offered three months forbearance with no interest. He called to kick the tires on it, figuring if it was amounting to an interest free loan he would take it, use it to pay down some debt, and then pay it off down the line. They told him the entire balance was due in one balloon payment in the fourth month.

So the people who had no choice but to take that because they didn’t have the money are about to owe four months of mortgage payments at once. What could go wrong?

I assume what’ll happen here is that companies will foreclose, cite the cratering market as a reason to sell the home to their own holding company for less than the borrowers’ accrued equity - thus robbing them of it, then rent it out to them for like 20% more than their mortgage payment was to get blood from a stone while getting the positive PR of “letting them stay.”

I don’t know what the mechanics of it will be, and it’s not my area of expertise, but I’m confident that there will be a way for the mortgage companies to fuck over the little guy/middle class guy, and I’m confident they’ll take full advantage. Then one of them can be Don Jr’s Treasury Secretary.

Short term, yes. And short term the little guy landlords who own a few properties go under. But the Jared Kushner’s and especially Berkshire Hathaways get a bigger market share and get in position to just run amok in 15 years if we recover.

God, please let the tsunami of hell only last two months. Please, and I’ll never ask for anything ever again!

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that this is in good faith, because the rest of your post seems to be… But nobody is going to watch a 50-minute YouTube from a first time poster, because 99.99999% of the time it’s a troll, and nobody has time for that even if it’s good. Cliff notes?

Man I was so fucking fired up and optimistic about the year on NYE. I was going to start my side business, crush at poker, lose weight, volunteer to help beat Trump, get rid of the motherfucker, meet the girl of my dreams, and live happily ever after.

I’m crushing poker and losing weight, so that’s good I guess.


Lol yea it’s insane. 100 is tolerable if you aren’t doing anything. Your skin feels like it’s cooking when it’s 117.

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Yeah, same.

2017-2019 weren’t very good years, but at least 2020 gave us a light at the end of the tunnel.


Why is this? Genetics? Socioeconomic reasons?

Sounds like a great place to hold a World Cup.

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And this why Wall. St. doesn’t care.

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I would guess this is close to 100% socio-economic driven.


Because white people are the best people obviously. Cue a bunch of libtards to come up with excuses. MAGA.

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Everything we have heard the vaccine trials has been positive. We will start mass inoculations at the end of this year or beginning of next year.

Regardless, all of the societal risk over coronavirus was if people stopped stocking shelves, being nurses or collecting garbage. The economic and societal risk was that people actually took this seriously. This clearly has not happened. If everyone is licking door knobs, there is nothing for the government or society to worry about (in terms of collapse)

I think most of us not only grasp it, we expect it.

I’m not saying steal their land, geez lol… Put it on the outskirts of Billings or Missoula. Sure, some ranchers won’t like it or whatever, but the people who own businesses there will be jacked.

Poverty and working in essential jobs is probably a huge part of it. Genetics seem to play a role as some research shows white people have some luckboxed better immune responses. Also I’m going to guess Latinos have more multi-generational households just based on culture. My guess, although I havent checked the stats, would also be that being more actively religious and more actively family oriented (weekly visits) may be a cultural role with Hispanic-Americans.

The scary part is that if Trump wins he can use that to say, “See? We need to lock up the dirty immigrants!” and half the country will agree.

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That’s a super super optimistic timeline.
Like really really optimistic.

The kill shot I wanted would have been:

“You’re the Secretary of Education, you’ve been calling for schools to reopen for weeks in this pandemic that’s been going on for months and you have no plan. What the hell do you do all day?”


They are already making the vaccines now ahead of the testing. Oxford is already in phase 3 ( the last phase) and a few others will be joining them soon.

Phase 3 takes a few months.

That only works if the first round of vaccines is a success. It’s always taken many years and never for a coronavirus before to get a vaccine.

And anything that is only trialed for 6 months won’t tell us about long-term issues and isn’t really safe to use.

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if they give it to 30,000 people shouldn’t they get an idea if it is safe to use? do you mean that there could be long term consequences not noticed initially after the vaccine is administrated?