COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

No it’s not mentioned by those who want to open back up. Nothing that could reduce chances of opening schools back up as a form of sacrifice to the gods of the Dow Joans will be mentioned by them.

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Honestly it doesn’t really matter what they say about schools, tons of people won’t send their kids and they’ll have to shut it down once kids start testing positive.

loool this is actually what set me off today when my mom brought up florida having 15,000+ positives today and she was like well they said the heat was suppose to kill it. and i’m like who said that. and she said dr fauci said that. and i’m just like flat out no i’m not buying that shit for 1 second dr fauci didn’t say this and away we went.

damn that only took me 1 second of googling, great job me, i did my research


Exactly. Pre-COVID it could take 3+ months to actually get a writ to have someone removed, depending on one’s state.

If anything, the lockdowns will have created such a backlog that evictions will take even longer now.

Is this really necessary?

There’s nothing about what’s happening that couldn’t still mean the virus likes cold dry air and isn’t nuts about hot moist air - which there is scientific evidence for. There was always a caveat about AC (which didn’t exist in 1918). And things could still easily get much worse this winter.

Literally no summer pause advocate, including me, thought the summer could somehow magically overcome packed indoor bars, gyms, covid parties and a chunk of the country refusing to wear masks.

The thought was if we keep going the way we were going in spring, the summer could really slow it down to a trickle - or at least a steady, manageable level. Maybe even with some sensible opening up - kinda like what we’re seeing in CA - minus the experiment with bars. But AC was always a wildcard. And of course none of us predicted the level of idiocy we’re seeing now. Or if we did nobody thought summer was going to magically fix that.

You are in the minority. Most people just embraced summer pause because they are wishcasting.

And because a lot of viruses are seasonal, and studies done on covid specifically showed the virus dissipate a lot faster in warmer, more humid air and sunshine. Also there were epidemiological studies showing correlation with absolute humidity.

However one big wildcard was always the hot places where people stay indoors most of the day in the summer, which also happen to be the south and midwest. There aren’t too many other places in the world afaik where a huge chunk of the population exists in AC all day for 3 months a year. Most other places don’t have that much money. Europe is colder. Singapore probably.

I don’t think some people here can grasp that things could always get a lot worse in the winter. Maybe R0=3 right now in the most dipshit places, and it goes up to R0=6 in winter. Although one factor red states might have going for them is most don’t have big cities in cold weather. Salt Lake City maybe. Indianapolis.

Behold my awesome Paint skillz


You don’t need winter conditions. All you need is for people to stay inside with windows closed. That’s pretty much entire lower 48 except for FL,AZ and parts of CA.

I mean you are in the minority looking at evidence. Most people don’t care and likely can’t read the evidence anyways. One of the best things about people like us is that we are generally pretty good at knowing which people to trust. Most people can’t do that work and “summer pause” fits into the category of stuff they like to hear so they went with it.

Yeah I’m agreeing with that. It doesn’t mean the virus loves hot moist air, which is what I was replying to.

It’s very likely that in the US - spring and fall pause make more sense - as everyone doing most of the dumbass behavior (red states) happens in AC all summer. This is not something we have precedent for historically or that we can look at much of the world for.

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Gonna be really tough for Cornyn to do something stupid enough to lose his senate seat in Texas, but god damned if he doesn’t appear to be trying.


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jesus lol how old are your kids?


You should check out the show Yellowstone. If accurate, old school Montana people absolutely don’t want that, but their version of ‘manifest destiny’ is having something to say about it. It’s basically ‘billionaire progress’ vs. reactionary rancher who will basically do anything to keep his land. It was created by the writer of the movies Sicario and Hell or High Water.

Montana is already very reliant on federal dollars.

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Setting aside the natural redness of Texas, Cornyn is a pretty hated politician around here for anyone with a thinking brain. If the polls are true regarding Biden and Trump being neck and neck, then Cornyn could be in real trouble. Cruz was a generationally awful candidate but Cornyn not far behind.

ETA: Ugh, I keep derailing. Seriously, Sorry! But Cornyn is like a virus, so I’m inbounds right?


We needed Beto to run. Clown.