COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Yes and no. The first debacle of a stimulus bill was passed in what two weeks?

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Just had an interesting convo w/ my mom where we argued about testing, and she tried to pull some complete bullshit like she agrees with me that we need more testing, but the only way to be sure is to test every person every day and whatever democrats think we need testing levels to be they’re actually wrong, like what? She tried to JAQ off a bunch of shit like oh so we’re supposed to test kids before they start school, then one of them gets it, now what we just test everyone at school again?!? Oh lets just say that person who walked past us gets a coronavirus test tomorrow and is positive, i’m suppose to go get a test now?!? How are you going to know who to test if there are so many asymptomatic people?!?

Asking questions that make you look like an idiot to own the libs. Apparently I’ve completely failed in trying to discuss this properly with my mom that she thinks concern trolling me with why haven’t i got a coronavirus test yet if i think they’re so important is an actual belief of the person who raised me.


And that was WITH political will. Mitch has stated in no uncertain terms that there will be NO unemployment assistance in the next round.

And what about September? You think anything significant can be done with Mitch at the helm in a month and a half?

Sorry, make that less than a month. I forgot that the senate is on vacation from Aug 7- Sep 8

And took 3 weeks after that to get the money.

Sweet Summer Child Alert: Surely Mitch realizes that if Senate blocks additional stimulus, Republicans never regain the majority for like 1000 years. He’s posturing/anchoring/fronting.

ETA: Mitch’s number one guiding north star is to do anything necessary to benefit republicans. He cannot be counted on for anything else, but he always comes through for his party. Trump may be too dumb to sign the legislation, but Senate will pass something, given the spikes in Florida, Arizona and Texas.

oh bless your heart.



If you are right, then Mitch realizes that republicans cannot recover and have NO shot in November. Again, two weeks ago, this might not have been the case. But the most deplorable people I know have gone quiet. They are on the ropes, Mitch knows this.

I have given up on ever expecting that man to do anything right for the rest of his life. He is the worst of the worst.


What did he get exactly?

Which company?

Yeah. I just realized that I forgot how much he likes stalling and trolling dems from the position of minority leader. I am a fool.

Mitch and his donors think that people will go back to work if unemployment is taken away. They don’t realize a lot of jobs are never coming back.

Take a random restaurant for example. Let’s say pre COVID, it had 25 employees. Even if you open for business, there is no way all 25 employees will still have their job. Like, if you limit dine in, force tables to be 6 feet apart, etc., it’s just impractical to keep the same staff/hours as before.

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The backlog of evictions is in the millions. It’s going to be the next big story.

And even that isn’t going to happen. In the most populous cities, in the most populous states, restaurants are about to go back to takeout only. Non-essential retail is about to shut down again. The retail sector (which employs almost 10% of the population nationwide) is fuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.

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I agree and had we not seen the virus resurgence, there is no way Mitch would pass stimulus. But once again, virus rears it’s ugly head and shits on his best laid plans. Like, when I see governor Abbott discussing possible OFB course reversal in Texas, that’s a big f**** deal, cuz this dude never stops capitalism! It’s his one thing (well also 2A). Again, I’m right there with you right up until I watched all the deplorable go silent in Texas. Like a light got switched off, never seen anything like it.

ETA: And let’s get real, republicans don’t give a f*** about the deficit behind closed doors. They are fine to kick the can if it means they can retain the Senate.


Yup, and you know that as soon as the moratorium falls off, these courts packed with Trump appointees and republicans are going to turbo approve the evictions. And for those who have had a chance to delay payment of rent; once the moratorium falls off, the landlords are going to demand repayment in the shortest possible time allowed. Good luck paying back 10K+ in 6 months when you don’t have a job, “middle” america.

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We have people with disgusting amounts of money, enough to house millions for months all by themselves, and we are going to have a homeless crisis that makes the depression look like a pool party. Eat the Rich may become a little rallying cry by the end of 2021.


They can do this, but the end result of this is that the landlords lose even more in depressed property values. I think…

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They don’t give a shit. The cruelty is the point.

Maybe needs a seperate thread, it definitely needs to be thought from The Cruelty is the point aspect…

I suspect if trumps wins its National service and pull yourself up by the bootstraps where they cover for some grants to some cummunities and say look…

If Biden wins (Lol OK Gif) The’ll double down on the lies and blame it all on the people in power.

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