
Hard to say this, but I strongly suspect that young adults and children (all kids or just older kids?) are clearly the carriers and reservoir for this disease.

Imagine if …


Do you know if they were tested because they had symptoms? My department is ~150 people and to the best of my knowledge nobody has been tested.

I’m in the UK crunchy, in Scotland and they are given tests here with no symptoms required

‘Robust arrangements’
He said: "As part of this effort, we have robust arrangements in place for any staff who are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms.

"This includes access to testing and I can confirm that six firefighters at… Fire Station in Glasgow recently tested positive for the virus.

“All of our staff members who tested positive then followed national health guidance in relation to self-isolating. They continue to receive the full support of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.”

He added: "Specialist contractors have since carried out a thorough clean of the station and appliances to reduce the chances of any further spread of the virus.

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That was my guess. Imo it’s a no brainier to test every front line Medical worker and maybe they are doing that in functional countries. Def not in USA1

Symptoms were a requirement sadly… :pensive:



I mistaking edited your post, when trying to reply to you there Crunchyblack, Opps… That will teach me to be posting and making coffee… :joy:

And Yup, we’re still as incompetent as the US in testing. :persevere:

I think that enterprising priest with the water pistol might be real.


Covid19 making a comeback in the Czech Republic.

Kindergartens have only been open for less than a week and one of them is now partially closed due to one student testing positive for covid19. The students in the class have been quarantined for two weeks as has the teacher of the class and the school director. Pretty likely the whole school will eventually be shut down.

Today the state of emergency ended and that coincided with the R0 reaching 1 for the first time in over a month. Pretty much everybody is thinking #OpenForBusiness here and this is what’s happening. The number of active cases has gone up three days in a row and will likely go up again as recoveries are dropping significantly while the detected ratio has increased to over 1%. I suspect that we’ll pull a Germany and implement the restrictions we recently removed shortly.

So yeah this sucks.


Well that sounds bad.

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I know you were hopeful but are you really that surprised.

You all are learning a lesson with very little pain in terms of deaths. The US is going to amass 100k additional deaths learning the same exact thing.

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The article states that at first they thought infection rates doubled every 5 to 6 days, but it was clear from death rates it was more like 2 or 3 days and I posted here several times to that effect months ago.

It seems we’re going round and round in circles.

If more people have been infected than thought it means the IFR is lower because the number of deaths is known, but I guess the thing to worry about will be non fatal damage to internal organs etc.

It’s been posted a long time ago the R-effective-whatever # might be up to 6 in places like NYC.

I’ve been working under the assumption that w/o any shutdowns it’s between 2 and 6 (60%-80% for herd immunity) depending on pop. density and weather.

And of course there’s the herd immunity overshoot. So if it was 6 and you could somehow let it just run it’s course that might mean 90% needed. But people will shut themselves down long before that. Even Trump supporters aren’t that dumb to be out whooping it up in bars - while hospitals are in complete chaos and bring out your dead wagons are rolling through their neighborhoods.

@TJ_Eckleburg12 - you work in a Georgia hospital right? Looks like they got 300-350 new hospitalizations yesterday. Have you seen/heard about an uptick in the last few days?

Supposedly Texas is spiking up. I haven’t run the numbers myself yet.

They’re testing a ton. ~1000/day new positives out of 20-30k tests run doesn’t seem terrible in a state with 30M people.

Yeah, 1800 new cases on >32k tests is not great, but it’s not as bad as the raw new case number looks.