I dont even want to google that

I plan to do the whole world. Where to start back up is still up in the air.

There’s probably some more “errors” in their data that haven’t been caught yet

I guess you’ve seen chopstick’s Africa thread in the old place?

I posted about this a week ago because my dad was talking about it. Kinda crazy I feel like I know what takes are coming in advance because he’s your standard dumb boomer on FB. This has happened a bunch of times now. Dad tells me to look into something, I post about it here, it becomes a standard right wing talking point a week later.

It’s like I can see into the derposphere future. It’s crazy how someone posts some dumb shit on reddit, stormfront, or wherever they hang out online and that shit just spreads everywhere and ends up on fox and then the president. Lock Trump talks about this soon.

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Random imbecile who obviously styles himself on Johnson.

Scotland UK… 6 Firefighters got positive results back after getting tested on Wednesday

Cuomo took a coronavirus test live on camera at today’s press conference.

Trying to encourage more people to get tested since not all of the state’s testing capacity is being used.

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excess deaths in Canada minus covid deaths are below average. In the US this is nowhere near the case

I didn’t see it, but what’s the logic on that.

If you’re asymptomatic and isolated, what does getting a test do?

If you’re asymptomatic and out and about, then testing really only makes sense if you’re doing it on a regular basis? If so, what interval was recommended? A single negative test is not that helpful.

“We ain’t gonna support a global conspiracy to vaccinate everyone. #USA1 #UK2”

Texas saw its highest single day increase in positive coronavirus cases since the beginning of the pandemic. The state reported an increase of at least 1,801 positive coronavirus cases yesterday –– 734 of those originated from employees of meat plants.


The logic is you might luckbox a positive result, get that person isolated and maybe do some contact tracing.

Someone posted a picture of a priest blessing people with a squirt gun through car windows on twitter, but the tweet was taken down quickly, so I wonder if it was fake.


If you’re asymptomatic and isolated, you wouldn’t meet the criteria to be tested.

But you can be tested if you have any symptoms, have been in contact with someone who has been tested, are an essential worker, or are a worker that would come back as part of phase 1 reopening. That still includes a lot of people who aren’t getting tested.

Pretty sure just having a semi lockdown reduces moose deaths by half, which certainly dwarves any corona fatalities.

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First two are fine and make sense. It’s good that he’s encouraging them to be tested.

Last two only really make sense as a part of a regimen of continued surveillance. One test is better than none, but not by much.

Government announces ÂŁ84m vaccine funding

Alok Sharma says the government is providing an additional ÂŁ84m to help accelerate work towards finding a vaccine.

“This new money will help mass produce the Oxford vaccine so if trials are successful we have dosages to start vaccinating straight away,” he says.

He also says a licensing agreement with AstraZeneca has been reached allowing for the manufacture of 30 million doses to be available by September.

"The UK will be first to get access," he says.

You have to guess fake, but given I’ve had holy water sprayed at me from various implements functionally almost identical to that in the course of a childhood’s catholicing, has to be a chance it’s not.

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