Meat-packing plant maybe?

Distribution centers seem to be the other big virus hotbed.

And nursing homes of course.

Those are the big three.

The Tyson plant is a large part but not all of the story there.

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I have absolutely no faith in that stuff. I feel like they constantly change the rules to get whatever inflation number they want.

Gas (in normal times), food, rent, house prices, medical care, education, energy, cars - all way up. But big screen TVs are cheaper so it’s a wash and inflation is flat.

It becomes endemic and we develop an antibody library against it over the years and people get their covid shots along with their yearly flu shots and eventually it becomes one of those seasonal bugs that comes by every year and kills a whole bunch of people and no one bats an eye.

PS: everyone, get your flu shot this year. Now more than ever: seasonal flu will happen when people think the second covid wave might happen. That means there’s a big potential for overcrowding hospitals.


I did notice this in Xinjiang, quite interesting, although you won’t find many Uyghurs who are very willing to talk politics with foreigners in their police state.

Another one I noticed was the Kurds, lotta Trump support there, people calling him warrior Trump and all, they loved it if Trump ever said anything bad about Erdogan. Of course this was before Trump pulled the troops outta N Syria, so I doubt that’s the sentiment now!

The poor Kurds. They seem like the most upstanding people and we just keep screwing them.


Wuhan is going to try and test 11 million people in 10 days. It is extremely ambitious since current testing capacity in the province is about 100k a day.

At least I give them credit for trying. I have no idea what that really looks like where I live.

Edit: for the sake of correctness, the title is a bit misleading. Apparently the translation was off and they are taking ten days to plan how to test all 11 million people. Still streets ahead of anything we have done in the US.

Wow imagine having to nod at a celebrity first.
Brag: That’s right, I made eye contact with some tall, handsome, vaguely familiar looking dude on the streets of NYC and he gave me a nod which I returned.
Beat: It turned out to be Jerry O’Connell.
Variance: I was on my way to fencing practice and apparently he was an alumnus who had just stopped by for a visit, so he recognized my gear.

Really the brag here should be me getting to be a four year college athlete despite having limited athletic ability and zero experience prior to walking onto the team during open tryouts.


I think China’s big problem is they have like 10 NYC’s, maybe more. We just have one.

My boss’s family is from Chonqing - just a city of 30M people that most outside of China have never heard of. I’d never heard of it until someone (maybe SUB?) posted on 2p2 that they lived there and it had that many people. I was like BS, no way there’s a city that big I’ve never heard of - then I looked it up.

They are uniquely in a horrible position. Also winter will come again. At least most cities in India don’t get cold, where it seems to be come combo of cold air outside and hot dry air inside that makes mucus membranes super receptive to the virus.

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In COVID news, Arizona is getting ready to OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Fortunately the governor seems to be taking a measured approach as he balances being a good Trump toady with trying to keep his citizens alive. However I get to see the daily statistics for new recorded cases in my county since I work for the hospital and my feeling is that opening now is…not promising. Like most places, cases here spiked initially and then saw a bit of a decline but it looks like it plateaued after that and has been steady for around a month. What’s worse is that the last few days are possibly starting to show an increase and today had one of the highest number of recorded new cases since the outbreak began. I don’t remember if I posted the article about how the state department of health asked some university researchers to stop updating their COVID model but apparently they reversed course and are allowing them again.


I thing I posted a pic of a packed bar in Tempe.

I live in Pima County and things seem relatively locked down here still but i guess we’ll see. I get the statewide numbers through work but only get a fancy bar graph that allows me to follow trends for Pima county. Arizona generally has stupid politics although the cities are fairly liberal, Tucson and Flagstaff more so than Phoenix. A bunch of restaurants Here banded together to protest opening too quickly and I was pleased to see it was mostly a bunch of places that we frequent.

Good news, everyone! The White House model had deaths going to zero by May 15th. It is now May 16th, so we should have 0 deaths from here on out. Should be an amazing week!


Whew it’s been a long 15 days. Think it is a good time for a maskless Trump rally


Texas hits new death high after reopening. And the real fun has not even started.

Just went to check my “favorite RWNJ” Facebook posts. I mean there is a lot of what you would expect. But there was a very high concentration of “mail ballots will lead to LIBRULS cheating”.

Uh huh

My friend was in a gondola in Venice that passed Forrest Whitaker in another gondola. My friend just stage-whispered “Ghost Dog” and got an approving head nod in return. Every time I remember that story I think even more highly of my friend.


Jesus Fucking Christ - “Hong Kong flu only killed 100k in 1969!” is now all over Facebook. Never mentioning that we never fucking shut down for the Hong Kong flu.

I saw Drew Barrymore make out with Heather Graham for a full minute while Leonardo DiCaprio looked on annoyed. On her way out the door I told Drew “thank you for the ultimate star sighting”. I am not proud of my behavior. She looked at me funny but not in a bitchy way. She seems like a genuinely nice person.


Florida’s “stand your ground” law seems to allow ppl to use deadly force against a person who refuses to wear a mask and gets too close to a mask wearer.

Be warned.

Guy I went to HS with is a lawyer in FL. Eagerly awaiting the first shooting a person for not wearing a mask stand your ground case.