At that point they’ll have a sample size of people who have taken it in Phases 1 and 2, and not died or had major side effects for at least a few months - he’ll be pretty safe to get through the election without a catastrophe.

Yup - to the frontline workers.

Sure thing man, I do what I can!

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Lotta people don’t know that Diem and the elite of the South Vietnamese government who inherited power from the French occupation were Catholic. And a lot of them were refugees in the US after the war.

There is definitely limited immunity otherwise you just never clear the disease and with Covid that means you die. Also current vaccine testing in animals has shown immunity lasting for weeks. With the current information I would be surprised if immunity isn’t lasting for months. Still not good for the US if immunity is for like 6 months as that would just make it endemic and maybe seasonal if R stays around 1.

Fair enough.

Huh. Turns out the Stanford antibody test was not only bad science but looking good to be outright shenanigans.

Once again this thread has been far ahead of the curve.

Also think we tagged Potter County last week sometime.


A botched vaccine might be one of the worst possible timelines. Imagine the explosion of (rational!) anti-vaxxers after that! JFC.


I work with a guy who’s one of the Vietnamese boat people, he’s mildly pro-Trump.

Elaborating on this unwelcome derail…I had a very good friend who was Russian Jew who got out in the late 80s when Jews were allowed to leave. He grew up having to run home from school every day and get beaten up if he were caught, because he was a Jew. He was a right-leaning Republican. My Great grandparents and all the Jews around them had to run to not get beaten or killed in Russia and Eastern Europe until they got out. Because their world was run by the right-wing Czar, they came to America and became left-wingers. My friend who got beaten up in a “communist” society became a right-winger.

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Maybe this is a dumb question, but it certainly seems like this thing mercs the elderly at a much higher rate than the non-elderly population.

If we keep nursing homes on full lockdown/no visitors and start mandatory weekly or twice-weekly COVID-19 testing of all nursing home employees, would we not really lower the death rate while still allowing for the relaxing of lockdowns?

If we could wave a magic wand and all of the super vulnerable folks were locked safely away, would the toll on the rest of the population be small enough to live with vs. the consequences of large-scale shutdowns?

Maybe there’s a middle ground between full shelter-in-place lockdown and wiping out all the olds?

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There are 50m people 65+ in the US and only a little more than 1m of them live in a nursing home. That is a lot of fertile killing ground for the virus even if zero nursing home residents ever got it again.


It doesn’t fit neatly into the leftist category, but the Lebanese Christians I’m sort of related to tend to be very pro-GOP. People who want to put boots to necks of whoever their previous oppressors were don’t have any difficulty identifying the correct party to support.

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Thats awesome.

Question though, is flu season right around the corner? You’re in your fall timeframe, right?

My sis-in-law works at a memory care facility. Two girls 8 and 9 years old. She hasn’t hugged either girl in a month until today. She cries every time we talk to her. The finally got the testing and PPE they needed May 1. Add 14 days and she got the all clear. And she is HR, only pressed into patient care due to lack of staff. Facility has 30 dead out of 90.

You can’t keep all the people required to run a nursing home under perpetual quarantine. So many support people (custodial staff, hospice care, various PT folks and other specialty care) move from building to building and go into private homes.

We can only protect such places with constant testing and loads of PPE.

Very good point because there are so many concentrated senior living arrangements. It’s not just nursing homes. Over 55 communities.

And like I mentioned so much of the support for 65+ is by people that go in and out.

And then there are prisons. But I guess just fuck em. That seems to be America’s answer.

We are only at this place because virtually everything done to this point has been wrong or late. Then we go through all this and make very little progress and then just claim OFB, bye grandma!

We will see how people actually behave with opening. Is it just about going to work or is about socializing and recreation?


Again that may actually be someone’s plan. Weird timeline to live in where that is even remotely feasible. But here we are.

Lebanon is in a somewhat similar situation as Vietnam. Former French colony. Christians/Maronites dominated leadership for like 100 years.

Yeah, well it’s late autumn so it doesn’t really get a lot colder in most places. For example Melbourne’s average daily maximum is 62.6 in May and 57.2 in July, which is the coldest month there. I’m not really expecting a big spike but I don’t think NSW (421 known active cases) or VIC (115, with some local outbreaks recently, including ldo a meatpacking plant) will be able to eradicate. We might end up with bilateral travel agreements between different states (WA, NT, maybe QLD/TAS all look like being able to eradicate) and maybe with New Zealand as well.

My brother married a Uyghur and even though they are Muslim refugees they are close to 100% pro Trump and even my brother is planning to vote straight R. They like the GOP bashing of China

Ohio confirmed OPEN FOR BUSINESS

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This flare up in Amarillo had me wondering. Maybe the virus is spread out but has local hot spots for whatever reason. Like when a metrologist says 1-3 inches of snow but there’s always that random town that gets 10 inches.