Smallpox is the ONLY human disease to ever be eradicated and there have been multiple vaccines for it going back all the way to 1798.

Containment might be a better term then. The SK or similar approach.

Proportionally, weā€™re already looking at a NYC level outbreak in Potter County.

@Jalfrezi - might be interested.

Rabbit holing on smallpox - - the last person to ever have it was a Somali in 1977. He recovered and was later involved in polio vaccination efforts, during which he died from malaria.

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Ya I donā€™t really get what the next move for Trump and even most state governments is? I guess let hundreds of thousands die and hope Obamaā€™s trial distracts from it?

Itā€™s why botching the response, wasting the lockdown time and then going full coronavirus denialism 24/7 is such a dangerous situation. Once we get a Potter Co. there will be no will from anyone to actually do what needs to be done.


Is Trump support high among Vietnamese-Americans?

Lol youā€™re going to have to throw 35% of the population in handcuffs before thatā€™s even remotely possible.

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Barring a beneficial mutation or miraculously quick vaccine development, weā€™re doing herd immunity whether we want to or not. Back of the napkin estimates for that is 1-2 million dead in the US.

JT is probably the expert here, but I suspect like most Americans, itā€™s correlated with education. All of the Vietnamese people I know personally have at least a college education, and while I donā€™t know each one of them well enough to know their political leanings with certainty, Iā€™d be surprised if any of them was a Trumpkin.

JTā€™s stories were definitely an eye-opener for me.



Pretty much every group that has a large population that fled some leftist government (nominally or actually leftist) has a lot of hard core Republicans in it. The large Vietnamese community in Orange County has historically been Republican, but thatā€™s changing somewhat with a new generation.

I hadnā€™t thought of it but him pushing a vaccine that is not ready to try and win the election is absolutely on the table. He would do almost anything to get there and there is nobody around him to stop him.

He just needs it to not fail spectacularly. Donā€™t be surprised if a miracle vaccine shows up the last week of September. I am pretty sure Kool and the Gang predicted it.


Iā€™m just surprised the change hasnā€™t already happened. For example, in early 90s, people of Middle Eastern descent were reliably Republican, now itā€™s totally flipped.

The rich people will ā€œbenevolentlyā€ offer it up to the less fortunate first.

I see all this happening now. Thanks for running my weekend!

Not all Middle Easterners. Itā€™s partly the Israeli and Persian Jewish immigrants who blemish the otherwise stellar Jewish non-GOP stats. Them and the Russian Jews.

Sorry, I meant Islamic Middle Easterners.

Conducting a war on Islam will do that.


A damn good reason to plant the seed with half the population that all the news is FAKE NEWS is to suppress all this. If half the population doesnā€™t believe the death count does it really matter?

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Unfortunately we are likely to see hundreds of Potters in the future.

They picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

What is even better is the county canā€™t close anything down because of the stupid governor.