Not calling the police. But I will essentially never call the police. Abolish the police.



Pretty accurate description of me.

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Has that vaccine been green lit for US production yet? Last I heard, none of the American companies were willing to make it because Oxford is not granting anyone exclusivityā€¦ thus the US market may get excluded. USA#1 forever and ever!

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Cause we gotta make an obscene profit on this.

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our bio department is already setting up schedules to start general research back up this summer as soon as the governor lifts the order. and then iā€™m hearing weā€™re considering having in-person classes this fall?? i donā€™t wanna fuckin leave the house, man, are you kidding me? iā€™m not done having fun yet, i wanted at least a whole year. i was promised 18 months! this is bullshit!

i signed up for 3 wine subscription delivery services, you canā€™t fuckin send me back to work now


Yup, imagine if Oxford is the first one to the finish line, the shit show here will be epic. Deservedly soā€¦

Good thing people donā€™t eat with their eyes. Well, except for fat folks.

Spain got hit hard. They have to go through that 12-16 more times for herd immunity.

Good to see the general 10-1 confirmed cases to infections weā€™ve been assuming backed up from yet another study.

Spain and Italy seem to win the IFR crown - except maybe Iran which weā€™ll never know.

Assuming beehive is metaphorical, been there done that.

Iā€™m just kidding, I just want you guys to think Iā€™m not a virgin.


ā€œThatā€™s one of the three known routes of getting this infection that we just donā€™t pay a lot of attention to. We tend to pay attention to the nose and mouth, because that is the most common route,ā€ he said. ā€œBut you know, droplets landing on your eyes are just as infectious.ā€

I have a hard time taking seriously a virologist who somehow doesnā€™t pay attention to the fact that the eyes are a key route of infection. Good god, Iā€™ve been saying that same thing in this very thread and Iā€™m just an unqualified enthusiast. Like, weā€™ve all spent the past few months seeing doctors and nurses with bruises on their foreheads from wearing face shields all day long, they donā€™t put them on for fun.

ā€œBut you know, droplets landing on your eyes are just as infectious." --yeah, no shit, ya doofy clowndick, 90% of the people in this thread could have told you as much.

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I fuckin love you BJ lol

The people in this thread arenā€™t the target audience.

Youā€™re accusing him of not paying attention to the eyes, in a quote where heā€™s paying attention to the eyes.

Strawman much?

Itā€™s not like unstuck is that far ahead of the curve. I remember having to explain this (transmission through eye) to people who didnā€™t get it in one of the earlier COVID threads.

This is not intended as a defense of that virologist. I agree with your assessment on him.

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My dude:

ā€œThatā€™s one of the three known routes of getting this infection that we just donā€™t pay a lot of attention to. We tend to pay attention to the nose and mouth, because that is the most common route,ā€ he said. ā€œBut you know, droplets landing on your eyes are just as infectious.ā€

He explicitly says he doesnā€™t pay attention to the eye route! idk what he means by ā€œweā€ here, Iā€™ve been warning about this. This is one of the key reasons washing your hands is so important.

i think what youā€™re trying to say is: in soviet russia, police calls you


Well, if we werenā€™t under stay at home orders during a pandemic, I wouldnā€™t even consider it. So thatā€™s the first thing. From there, if you arenā€™t familiar, thereā€™s been a chronic problem with uppity white people calling the cops on black people minding their own business in America the last few years (probably forever, but now we get cell phone videos of it). There have been chronic problems with cops shooting unarmed black kids. So thereā€™s a non-zero chance that me calling them on black kids leads to some kid getting shot over breaking a stay at home order, which obviously I donā€™t want. If they were white, 0% chance that happens.

As for just handling it myself, I live about five blocks from some bad neighborhoods. Chances are these kids walked over from one of those neighborhoods, and me walking into a group of 15 to be the old man saying the city equivalent of ā€œGet off my lawn,ā€ is not really a safe thing to do in general, but especially during a pandemic. One of them could just get in my face to talk some shit and I could be exposed to the virus.

So anyway, normal times Iā€™d just let it go cause Iā€™m not old enough to give a damn about some kids making some noise. I would have watched a bit, enjoyed the spectacle, and that would have been it. But with a pandemic going on, that changes things.

Like, Iā€™ve been locked down for almost 10 weeks. Iā€™m in no mood to be exposed to anyone, and Iā€™m in no mood for people to be screwing around spreading germs around and slowing down getting this city to a safe point. Weā€™re currently guaranteed to be locked down in the red category (green-yellow-red) until June 4. Itā€™s probably going to be at least July 1 before weā€™re green, and I donā€™t even think thatā€™s very likely.