This is still a matter of some debate. Could be it mutated in some way.

Iā€™m just joking around lol, new someone would bite :grin: but you could have Atleast let me have a day on it. Our game is in ruins now. :joy::joy::joy:

Iā€™ll say in our defence though that the Old firm before the Sky and Champions league deals we were 1 of the highest watched games in all leagues.

It was the biggest mistake our overlords made when Sky came in we had a offer of 100 mil for the 1st season, when they sponsored the English Premiership. How that ever got turned down weā€™ll never know. :angry:

@marty will know, im sure.

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Read a tweet tread from a UW virologist saying the Manchester study is complete BS. Will link tweets later if someone hasnā€™t already.

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Indeedā€¦ I meant to say at a safe distance Ofcourse, and ask them to move to a safe distance when putting the garbage away or picking the post up is a good judge of just how compliant they will be in future.

To a random in north America, rangers vs celtic is I guess like a random regular season yankees/Sox game to a random euro, but way more euros have at least heard of the Yankees as you say.

It would be one thing if there were ANY sports going on.

Going to a bar now is basically just a fuck you thatā€™s why move at this point

Tweet thread on the BS Manchester study.

Just discovered a few new covidiots on my Facebook feed. Weā€™re so hilariously fucked. The rest of the world should just get its popcorn, sit back and chill indoors while we fuck this all up.

I donā€™t think you should call the cops on anyone without extremely good reason and this doesnā€™t come close to meeting the bar. Just wait a day before getting your packages.

You said you get them in the middle of the night. Every one of these kids could have covid and you are super unlikely to get it by that time unless you lick your shoes.

As a White kid who has been on the wrong end of a baton and had my fingers broken by a copā€™s boot, I fully acknowledge worse outcomes for Black kids but no way am I calling the cops on a bunch of white people either.


And I believe repeated exposure re-ups the immunity kind of like booster shots. So if becomes endemic and circulates then the immune system will be primed. It may still feast on those with weakened immune systems.

Shit. Now my cover is blown.


To summarize how they got 26.8%:

Something not mentioned in that Twitter thread is that the linear regression they use to estimate total infected can also be used to estimate R_0. Using the results from the study, it would give an estimate of R_0 = 1.06 for the coronavirus.


Ran into a random mate from across the complex. He was walking to the trash, saw me on his path, and stopped dead in his tracks. Lol nice to see a little caution in these youngs. I waved him to continue and stepped far afield.


Iā€™m still not so sure this type of thing doesnā€™t meet the bar, regardless of age/race. Like, starting an outbreak can quickly lead to hundreds of infections, and if not controlled at that point, thousands - so youā€™re talking about people who are repeatedly doing this, risking starting an outbreak every time, thatā€™s literally going to get people killed.

As for the risk to me, Iā€™m less worried about getting it directly from them (though itā€™s possible) and more worried that they give it to someone else in the complex, it starts spreading, etcā€¦ The last thing I want right now is a few cases popping up in my building.

Thatā€™s goodā€¦ Iā€™m starting to think thatā€™s maybe the most likely route weā€™re on. A couple of hugely catastrophic waves of this, followed by it becoming endemic, decreased severity, and then maybe in a few years time weā€™ve managed to get everyone vaccinated and maybe there is an annual booster shot or something and it starts to function like the flu.

Of course then we get a lifetime of, ā€œSEE, WE TOLD YA LIBTARDSā€¦ ITā€™S JUST THE FLU!!!ā€

Which could be the worst part of all.

There was a white guy with no rhythm bouncing around doing the filming. You should have waved!


I just love how olds are, always, both wrong and in power.


39% chance ins0 is there.

That depends on whether any of his punk ass tenants* put in a maintenance request after 2pm today.

Actually his bossā€™s tenants.


Should have printed out the Wikipedia page for Kawasaki disease and left them strewn about the courtyard.

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