It’s a free 5 hour course. What am I missing? Why the concern?


The Switch has a free NES and SNES app on it (free if you get the yearly online service, which is needed anyway) that has a good selection of NES and SNES games

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So there are about 15-20 kids in the courtyard of my apartment complex hanging out. First they were shooting a rap video, now they’re just hanging. I don’t want to be the white asshole calling the cops on the black kids, and I don’t want whatever plays out hanging over my head, but I also don’t want 15-20 people hanging out spreading coronavirus by my place, we’re under a stay at home order in this county.


Edit: Apparently the right move was to post here about it, they dispersed within 60 seconds lol… Had been out there maybe 15-20 minutes. I’ll leave this here cause I’m curious how others would handle it.

I was just joking tbh. Seems fine.

Risk of you calling the cops on black kids vs. Your Covid risk is a laughable comparison tbh. 100% do not snitch.


El classic is the biggest sporting Derby outside the old firm for stats but it’s absolutely x2 bigger than the Old firm in South America.

My parents were in Barcelona during April a few years ago, hired a car and drove around enjoying the sights when they got caught up in a side street where they had parked the car and while trying to exit were mobbed by Barca fans, quite frightening tbh for them, but exciting as they knew it was not typical Scottish fans :grin:

Once the smoke had cleared a man approached them to appoligies for the disruption and handed them 2 tickets to a restaurant not to far away :shushing_face: with thanks from Barcelona.

It was Messi as they later found out was leaving at the same time.

In the restaurant they found out just how humble a guy can be, a true gem of a person even alough they never met him.

I’ll see if I can get my dad to send some photos of the restaurant they visited.


Yeah that’s true, but the level of tilt if I lock myself in a hole for 2.5 months only to catch COVID-19 cause some kids were screwing around in the courtyard I’ll be walking through in a few hours to get mail/packages would be immense.

Funny thing is if it’s a group of white kids, I’m 100% calling the cops.

I’d have closed my window and got on with my day, even here I’d never think about calling the authorities as it never helps.

Tbh if I was that age, I’d be out too and maybe yourself at that age would have sneaked out and about, maybe not.


Madrid v Barcelona is miles bigger than Old Firm everywhere in the world outside Scotland.


Tell that to sky TV… :grin:

Neither match other than classico ever makes sportscentre in USA or Canada.

Yeah, I mean it’s hard to process. The gut reaction is it’s just kids it’s no big deal they aren’t trying to hurt anyone. But if they’re going around the city hanging out in courtyards and parks, rapping in close proximity to one another, chilling all day in groups, they’re very likely to have a bunch of them catch it and even 5 cases out of the 20 could turn into a nice little cluster that gets 100s of people sick and kills several.

Like if this is 20 middle aged white people we’re all going to be like, “Fuck those moronic, selfish pieces of shit who can’t stay inside and are endangering everyone.”

Shit, we’re saying that about the people legally going to bars in Wisconsin tonight, right?

While the degree to which we may find them to be bad people is vastly different, the end result of their actions is not.

False… Its were I usually watch if its there ex players doing the commentary on Sky.

I was in Barcelona on my honeymoon during the Liverpool leg of the Barca Liverpool match last year. The Irish bar I watched the last 70 minutes in(dinner took too long and we couldn’t find a bar for drinks to watch the game for a bit) had more Liverpool fans than Barca fans and we were in the old town (very touristy)

Afterwards I noticed the city wasn’t too happy for some reason, was bringing down my high. A few kids angrily kicking soccer balls against walls in loser jerseys

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Also, just generally Madrid and Barcelona being global power houses mean that casual fans have an interest. Anyone following soccer at all will have heard of a few players on each of Madrid and Barca. Lots of younger fans couldn’t even tell you who the biggest clubs in Scotland are because it doesn’t matter. They’re like the random Scandinavian teams that make the Champions League.

Biggest rivalry game in Scotland? I’ve never been there so I’m guessing Aberdeen and Hearts?


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I’m with you here if it continues to be a problem, one or 2 times a week is a no for me, if they get loud and start BS it’s a different story.

If it’s here at my place I can simply go down and warn them myself, this is a different situation for yourself and a quick shout out a window just may cause you more problems.

I usually take the old It’s not me it’s the people in the flats/Condos around here and if pushed I’d have put on a mask, went down with some rubbish and had a quick encounter to the words of

“Hey, that’s quite a tune you got kid” and put a beat out and knowingly mock it myself with quick talking. Then say hey BTW “These people around here will probably call the Cops if you are seen around here” move before again thinking about escalation to the Cops.

I work the Projects/Schemes here and this approach above usually works for most individuals and incidents.

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They were being loud, but I don’t really care about that. I would almost never call the cops on them for just personal annoyance - it would have to be extremely bad, like yelling at 4am or fighting or something.

Yeah, definitely.

Yeah I think that’s a decent approach in general, but given how isolated I’ve been, I’m not trying to get within 10 feet of people if I can help it - even in a mask. Especially since I’m seeing my at-risk parents on Tuesday.