Novel viruses rip through everyone eventually without mitigation. The same general thing is very likely to happen with Covid-19 in the sense that hardly anyone has had it so it is inevitable we are nowhere near being done with this. As others have talked about the seasonality of these bugs are a combination of factors but generally we are inside more in the winter = easier spread. There are other factors that can help also.

There was a second outbreak in some cities that lifted social distancing policies they set in place.

Itā€™s repeated so far.

Ya I know I just donā€™t want it to happen :(

Itā€™s going to be a complete shitshow when second wave hits. People already have had enough of social distancing I canā€™t imaging how derpy the derps are going to be in the fall.

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It was seasonal. It faded in spring and then came back in fall with a real vengeance. Considering the world was at war and inside the US we were putting troops on trains all over the place, we were essentially NYC. On top of it many places didnā€™t do social isolation in time (Philadelphia war bonds parade being exhibit #1).

Remember that the flu time to disease is much shorter. With 3 days of an outbreak, deaths are increasing.

Plus the other key feature is that the healthier your immune system the worse you got it. Basically the bodies reaction in young adults flooded their own lungs killing people outright or opening them up to secondary bacterial infection prior to the invention of antibiotics.

What Iā€™m more interested in is why there wasnā€™t a third wave, and how that applies here. I assume built up immunity?

Bleach injections.


These two spikes show how fragile containment can be. In Lebanon the spike was from nationals returning home from abroad on special chartered flights, both their own infections and what they passed on to others. In Jordan it came from two truck drivers failing to self-quarantine after crossing the border, infecting 21 and 8 additional people respectively.

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There was a 3rd wave in many places. But when multi percent die you get to herd immunity.

There is also conjecture that the strain lost some virulence.

Yeah what Iā€™m wondering is even if total long term immunity is not conferred (I doubt it is), if it becomes endemic perhaps we will have enough immune system familiarity to make it more like a normal cold or flu.

Lol Wisconsin. Good luck with that. I hate to say it but I donā€™t give a flying crap if these dudes get covid. Although it will suck for their parents or anyone in their life at risk - which in Wisconsin is probably a lot of the people in bars as well. Should be interesting in 2-4 weeks.

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Yes I cannot remember which one but I heard on a recent podcast that the 1918 virus underwent some sort of mutation, and it was sheer luck that saved them then, but I donā€™t think a source was cited so :man_shrugging:

Barring a medical breakthrough, our house is on the ā€œsecond wave is coming in the fallā€ train. I assume the summer is going to push people outside, artificially reducing spread and ā€œjustifyingā€ complacency. Then we all gather back indoors spreading COVID + influenza + colds in the fall and the result is somewhere 2-10x worse than what weā€™ve experienced thus far.

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I just donā€™t get how sad your life has to be at 40+ to need to go to a bar and drink a corona fucking light this much.


I know this was way back yesterday butā€¦

Generally, the antimicrobial activity of alcohols is significantly lower at concentrations below 50% and is optimal in the 60 to 90% range.

Itā€™s not just a beer - itā€™s a political statement - I AM NOT AFRAID!*

*(to lose my life or kill a loved one so that my sado-populist overlords can get the economy going again)


There are a few places Iā€™d love to go to because I know theyā€™re hurting locally. My favorite local music venue is a small place thatā€™s almost more of a bar, and had a gofundme raise $60,000 (cdn) in a day about a month ago to cover 3 months of rent. But I donā€™t think Iā€™d go there immediately after they reopen.

Iā€™ve been to Wisconsin twice for Neutral Milk Hotel shows. Very mid 20s white hipster of me, I get it. Everyone was super nice both times, but this is obviously very fucking dumb.

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How is this not The Onion?

Thatā€™s how we are going to revive the economy. Train an entire generation to learn Covid-19 related skills at a 4 year school.