apparently Fauci is goin to jail for human rights violations, maybe Genocide, heard it here first


Do these ignorant fucks remember that like everyone they swore was going to jail is walking free?

On the other hand, Manafort is at home, Stone ain’t in jail, Flynn’s getting off soon. Jokes on us.

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There’s a poster on Predicit who catalogues all the times Qanon have been wrong about people getting indicted. OFC they’re still ready to go all-in on these bets twice a year.


I decided to go back and look at the 1918 spring first wave.

Found this article. I think the peak Covid deaths in UK is about 6000/week. On 60 million population that is 0.1/1,000 for about a little less than a month which is very low compared to 1918 first wave.

However notice the height of the fall wave was about 5x higher and lasted 4x longer for a very rough 20x deaths (a conservative estimate)

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I really hope history doesn’t repeat because a bad second wave in the fall will really suck.

The only things that are going to prevent a second wave(it isn’t clear the first wave is ever really going to end the way we are handling it anyways) are pure luck at this point.

Locals - that place has a lot of stuff but the only two things I ever saw the locals eat were the whole fried chicken or fried chicken fingers. Usually whole.

I tried the fish one time. It was grey and weird. I think this guy might have caught it in the harbor.

One time I was sitting at that restaurant when it was mostly empty, and all of a sudden it filled with locals in Messi or Ronaldo jerseys. Turned out Real Madrid was playing Barcelona. That was a lot of fun.

I was stuck in Bluefields for almost a week and pretty much ate at the same 3 places.


Any regular season El Clasico has easily triple the viewers of the Super Bowl.

I remember walking through the streets of Spain during one match and knowing when a goal was scored because I’d hear cheering coming out of every flat within earshot.

Anyway, getting a haircut in the CR tomorrow now that barber shops have opened. Here’s what it looks like:


Yeah I’m the biggest outdoor summer proponent on here. But bars in any context make no sense - prolonged contact, loud talking and yelling, drunk people losing boundaries, sharing food, smoking devices. Just a terrible mix.

OTOH if the goal is for the youngs to give each other herd immunity - opening bars is a massive boost to that goal!

While not quite that big of a deal I was in Madrid for the RM/Atl. Madrid game a couple years ago and the bars were packed and watching it was one of the highlights of the trip.


Please get a better haircut than that.


Show this to anyone who is confused about the need to wear masks.

drudge-siren SHOCKING NEWS drudge-siren

I mean, 80k was always fiction but even 640k seems low to me


Here’s a typical local dish for the Carribbean coast of Nicaragua.

The Caribbean Coast of Central America from Guatemala all the way down to Panama - including all of Belize - has a ton of ex-slave diaspora from the Caribbean, who tend to speak English with a Caribbean accent. I could communicate so much better in those places. It was nice to have a full on conversation with locals and not just my dum dum Spanish getting the basics out then, sitting their awkwardly with nothing left to say.

Some really interesting pockets like Livingston in Guatemala have a very unique culture and language that’s a lot closer to their African heritage. Some day I plan to research the entire tragic history of the Caribbean and all the different movements and migrations. It’s crazy. Every little pocket or island clearly has a completely different mix of people.

In Utila Island, Honduras, one of my favorite places on the whole trip - everyone looks like Patrick Mahomes - lightish skin, hint of an afro. Apparently they’re a mix of British ex-Navy, Dutch pirates, and whatever other local ex-slaves and any remaining original indigenous people were around. A bunch of them are descended from the original Captain Morgan - and very proud of it. That place is paradise. I asked them if anyone who grows up there ever leaves, “Yeah sometimes. But they always come back.”


Is this somehow going to be used to benefit Trump?

I gather that’s the NY Post’s general bent, so maybe? Lyin’ Chyner etc.

That’s the beauty of it.

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I’m pretty ignorant on the 1918 influenza thing. It is known WHY there was a second outbreak? Was it just a biological “flu gets ya in the winter time” thing, or a social behavior thing?

I’ve always known influenza to have “a season” - the winter mostly. Do coronaviruses also tend to fire up in the winter months?