One of my friends let’s their kids play video games and the boys anyway (2 boys and 1 girl) could play online with friends 24-7 and a year later go “corona what now?”

Another friend limits the time on screens of any kind quite drastically and more or less made their kids do stuff irl either with them or with friends all the time. They are not coping well.

Look at these jackasses protesting gym closures while proving you can exercise anywhere


Damn, great video. I teared up watching it.

I’m not sure I take the same lesson you do, though, for our pandemic times. If we take his claim seriously about the need to be present with your children in the way he describes, I can’t help but think that working from home is anathema to good parenting. We can be present in the moments that we have together, but at least in my house, I find myself saying 4-5 times a day, “Sorry love, I’m working.” I’m worried Mate would slap me upside the head for saying that to my kid, regardless of the quality of my non-work hours.

edit: another thing I like about the video is that he frames parenting as a skill, which it absolutely is. “Parent’s intuition” is highly overrated.

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I’m always like 200 posts behind in this thread so I don’t know what people are saying about testing but my wife works for a company that is basically at the nexus of drug companies, the FDA, and people who do research and labs. Basically everyone she works with agrees that the current tests we have suck and should be taken with a large grain of salt - apparently some have too high false positive rate whereas others have too many false negatives. Also my parents both had positive blood tests for antibodies and the doctor basically told them we have no idea what that means moving forward.

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Sounds like you are fully caught up, as that appears to be the consensus lol.

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Is anyone reusing chlorox wipes? Can’t I just soak them in 100% bleach for a day to kill anything they might have picked up? I have like 12 containers left but I have been saving the used ones in an empty container for potential reuse.

That is a good point. I have three thoughts for you.

First is that if your kid were out in the world, the world would be providing these very same kinds of lessons on boundaries and respect for others. I realize it’s not at all a 1:1, just approaching this from a perspective that helps me feel empowered to parent. What a terrific opportunity to show your little one that boundaries do not equal rejection. That not having time for them now does not mean you will not make time for them later.

Second is that I like to find things to be grateful for even in terrible times, mostly because if not, I find myself living in perpetual discontent. So much so that I don’t appreciate how and when I’ve got it good. I say that as context for what I’ll say next.

Third is that when I am practicing mindfulness and find these things for which to be grateful, I tell myself to slow down and appreciate the challenges that are in front of me. Twenty years from now, I may look back and realize that I was so consumed with what I didn’t like that I missed out on some of the best opportunities for growth and joy.

Agree about parent’s intuition!!


What are you doing to prepare for the possibility that a vaccine will be available some time between four years and never?

JT’s ongoing concern about risk assessment has had me thinking about how I don’t think people are really talking about that, either because they engage in wishful thinking and want it to be true that a vaccine can be ready within a year or because they have a deep faith in science or because they think we are fucked if that doesn’t happen so might as well only consider the best-case scenario.

Update from Wirelessbro for everyone:

He posted the above basically saying Fauci knew this scenario was coming, then goes on to the below and starts to lean into Fauci had a hand in some sort of conspiracy:

Considering he’s tied to vaccine develop, bill gates, and the clintons, it’s not that far fetched at this point. Also, it’s more like he “predicted” it, did nothing for 3 years, then said for 2-3 months it wasn’t a big deal at all, and was horribly wrong, and has been the whole time, so I’m not sure how much of an expert he is and it’s worth exploring how he could fuck it up so bad. Yet somehow he’s trying to control the whole country, and thus is why he got rekt by rand Paul. When it’s all said and done, he’s probably going to be indicted.

Not sure how he thinks Rand Paul rekt Fauci the other day, I don’t feel like asking, lol at Fauci indicment, truly amazing stuff


Fauci needs to be indicted yet hasn’t admitted the virus killed more than 45,000, aka more than a bad flu. This is your brain on drugs/Trumpism.

It’s simple, this is proof Fauci was masterminding the whole thing to try to make Daddy look bad.

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We should all be worried. Hell, I’m getting anxious every time I open the door to go out. Feel like I’m Howard Hughes here.

I’ll be going for a haircut and beard trim tomorrow. Been nearly 3 months since I got my hair cut.

The title of Wirelessbro’s autobiography

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Yes because he knows the clintons and gates well, and is involved with vaccines (a weird thing for a doctor like him to be involved in lol)then itss not far fetched for him to be involved in a monstrous conspiracy to control the country lul.

And yes the play seems to be 1) The whole thing was a sham and not very many people actually died from it, but 2) if it was actually a bad virus and lots of people died, then Fauci deserves all the blame, not trump

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Everyone around the whitehouse except for trump and his lackeys knew this was a high probability event. It is why resources were devoted to planning for it.

You might ask him if Fauci said that publicly three years ago why trump and his administration were completely caught off guard and unprepared.

Your brother is still hatenotheritage

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You’re a good dad.


Bars were packed in Wisconsin last night. Insoo must be proud.

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This is every single court decision ever.

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I’m really dumb–context and all-- but I was really trying to figure out where exactly a five-month-old got coronamarooned and how that happened.

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Chalk lines for (formerly) homeless (formerly) people has been a conservative wet dream for years. I’m surprised they haven’t tried to manufacture a superscabies.