Beer disinfectant derail is going to make us long for the halcyon days of take out food derail.

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You seem to have missed this the first time, so I’m just going to repeat that they are telling us that alcohol content needs to be 70% or higher to kill a coronavirus. So your whiskey is not going to do it, unless it’s 140 proof.

The more beer I drink the less concerned I am about catching the 'Rona. It’s scientific fact.


Where are you getting 1.2 millionx10?

I’d buy that for total cases, not active cases

earlier today i went to a home depot parking lot to see what curbside looked like. they had 6 spaces - all empty. the parking lot filled up. i counted 16 people in a row including 3 employees without masks then left.

Was it your wedding? That would have been awkward.

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People got to get married before they die or become destitute because of the corona virus.


Pretty sure the government delivers them stuff so yeah.

Don’t that is the case for a bunch of drunk people in a bar not practicing social distancing. While I am sure it is significantly better than an indoor environment where people stew in it, I still suspect you would have some decent direct transmission.

Certainly much higher risk than eating take out food.

We currently have 1.2 million active cases officially. The consensus seems to be that we’re under counting by 3-10x, so hence my range.

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An example from the developing world of what swift decisive action can do.

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LOL USA#1 in testing!

Shailaja says a test in Kerala produces a result within 48 hours. “In the Gulf, as in the US and UK – all technologically fit countries – they are having to wait seven days,” she says. “What is happening there?” She doesn’t want to judge, she says, but she has been mystified by the large death tolls in those countries: “I think testing is very important – also quarantining and hospital surveillance – and people in those countries are not getting that.” She knows, because Malayalis living in those countries have phoned her to say so.

She doesn’t want to judge, she says.

Judge away, Coronavirus Slayer. Judge away.

Like, what I would give to have a reporter ask Trump about this. It would be epic for someone to ask him why they can turn around test results faster in the Indian state of Kerala than in America.


Also, the people pushing to open up and who are shrugging off tens or thousands of unnecessary deaths for the sake of the DOW JOANS are the same people who are supposedly so “pro-life” that they want to force women to carry rape-babies to term.


So the active cases is almost identical to total cases, and is almost certainly not updated across the board. In SC there is an 83% recovery rate (the other 17% being dead or active). Would not follow that nationwide there is only a ~25% recovered rate.

I think it’s more likely, given that we have had several weeks of decreasing incidence, that the “official” active rate would be closer to 400k if it were actually being updated, and with recent rises in testing rates I’d say we are probably closer to ~2M actual active infections currently.

That said I expect that number to rise with things opening up, by the end of May it could feasibly double

I’ll pitch in some money if you go in one of these: image


Read an article today that urine tests can show if your Covid-19 infection will turn severe. Apparently they can detect abnormal values of two proteins that show that your body is under attack before you have any symptoms. One is Antithrombin III. If there is a lack of it that means blood clotting is already increased. That can lead to thromboses or pulmonary embolism. So they can start giving you blood thinner.
The other protein is Albumin. If that goes below a certain threshold it can lead to swelling of your lung tissue and they can start combating that.

complete article unfortunately in german:


Get some Russian hookers over to the White House to piss, er uh pitch this to Trump, pronto!

my wedding ceremony lasted about 10 minutes, we understood that no one wanted to be there for long. I don’t really consider that part of the wedding, just the pre-wedding.

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More than 25% of Britons may have already had coronavirus, study claims

A new study published this week in the International Journal of Clinical Practice suggests that more than one in four people in the UK are likely to have been infected already by the coronavirus.

The study, by researchers from the University of Manchester, Salford Royal and Res Consortium, is the first to use case data from 144 local authorities on the number of people infected in their areas. From this data, the researchers calculated the R-value - the number of people infected by one person with Covid-19 – within each area.

The data shows, they say, that more than 25% of people in the UK could already have had the virus by the second half of April – higher than previously thought.

The researchers said the UK’s R value, which was over three at the start of the outbreak in the middle of March, is now “well below 1”. This tallies with data published by Public Health England, showing that the overall UK R-value is 0.7 with variation from 0.4 in London to 0.8 in Yorkshire and the north east of England.

Dr Adrian Heald from the University of Manchester, one of the researchers, said:

Covid-19 is a highly infectious condition and very dangerous for a small group of people. However a much larger group seem to have low or no symptoms and have been unreported.

This study tries to provide an estimate of the number of historic infections – and gives us all a glimmer of hope that there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

It says that

Extrapolation of these results showed that unreported community infection may be >200 times higher than reported cases, providing evidence that by the end of the second week in April, 29% of the population may already have had the disease and so have increased immunity.

If it’s already claimed 50,000 lives (as year on year deaths suggests) that would equate to an IFR of 0.26%.