Think of it like people who are HIV-positive and none the wiser. Perhaps it’s surprising that more viruses don’t behave this way, it really seems like the key to spreading far and wide.

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Weddings of friends should be a good time, family can be a mixed bag.


Ok I’ll equivocate. 0% of wedding ceremonies are a good time. 13% of receptions are.

FYI I have a huge Mormon family on one side.

TR with pics please.

Most of the weddings I’ve been to have been completely secular. Of the religious weddings none were that religious and all but one of those were Jewish and didn’t bother me at all. One Catholic wedding was a little long and boring, but I was glad to have the experience. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad time at a reception and most have been killer.

I officiated one wedding - that was pretty cool.

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Haha the TR was interesting, no pics though. Sadly, after texting for a few days, she just ghosted. One of my problems is I’m always thinking long-term instead of just taking the short-term opportunities when they arise.

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I love weddings. I wish I had friends so I could go to more.


A week or so before the wedding, call your family and say you have corona-like symptoms and you are getting tested. Might not get results until after the wedding. Don’t want to risk the health of others.


Georgia’s opening wasn’t like flipping a switch.

I have a view of the downtown connector, and traffic has been steadily growing, each day. This week there have been traffic jams for the first time; today alone I have seen several of them. In early April the connector was bare.

So despite what Kemp has said, even though we “opened for business” two weeks ago, today looks nothing like two weeks ago. The momentum of this is going to be slow; it’s based on cumulative impact of people doing stuff, and exponential growth constrained by incubation periods and limited contagious periods. So don’t overreact to a few weeks of good data. Draw you conclusions in June.

It’s also true that people are taking it seriously. Wearing masks a lot, most restaurants are still closed, etc. So that’s good; hopefully it keeps up.


Short story about MY wedding:

We had a rent-a-rabbi because we got married near where my wife’s family lives and while they are Jewish, they didn’t practice. The rabbi got to know us in the weeks leading up to the wedding and had us e-mail him stuff about why we wanted to marry each other, etc.

Without telling us, he read excerpts of our e-mails during the ceremony. One line my wife wrote was “he has the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known.”

The rabbi read it as: “he has the biggest part of anyone I’ve ever known.”

We lost it. I did a triple-take. The rabbi had no clue and kept going. We and half the people in attendance were laughing the rest of the ceremony. In the receiving line, I got many high-fives.

17 years ago next week.


With your wife being exposed so regularly, is there any way you guys could time a test right before the wedding for at least peace of mind that you don’t have it?

I also met my wife at a wedding, but that’s a looooooong story.

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Trouble is, he’s already tipped his hand when he discussed his concerns with his mom. I’m with Riverman on this one. Boundaries must be set or they will walk all over you for the rest of time.

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One thing I’d like to know is whether Covid spreads in bars, particularly outside beer garden type. While it’s definitely people chatting and being way too close, they are also carrying and literally consuming (though not injecting) disinfectant. Kinda extreme on both the good and bad end of things, so maybe it averages out. Does alcohol vapor enter the lungs? It definitely gets in the nostrils.

Are you suggesting that snorting a Heineken would kill the virus in your nose?

Yes, I suspect it would. Snorting whiskey certainly would.

Damn, well said. I have had the same intuition but couldn’t figure out such a concise way to put it.

It still blows my mind that this was literally the premise of The Leftovers and yet here we are and no one gives a fuck

Speaking of Oklahoma weddings…

My sister is a wedding coordinator at a really nice wedding venue in the OKC metro. They are opening back up for weddings in 2 weeks. She’s already back in the office this week.

Simp, my man, this is Trumpesque. I kind of hope you’re fucking with me successfully here. I’ll assume you’re not. I’m literally face palming over here.

I forget the exact number, but alcohol-based disinfectant needs to be like at least 70% alcohol to work, it might be a little higher. So beer and wine are not getting the job done there, not even close. Neither is your average whiskey. I think Jack Daniels is now 80 proof, so 40% alcohol by volume.

Even if you’re inhaling some small amount of alcohol vapor, it’s not nearly enough to disinfect the inside of your lungs. I mean, what the fuck man? For real?

If you’re doing shots of like grain alcohol, it might take care of the back of your throat, but even then I think it needs more than the split second while you swallow to actually kill the virus, and it would need to touch every nook and cranny of your throat. So I guess if you gargle it for like 60 seconds, you might have a shot.

The outdoor part helps and it may be safe to be reasonably socially distanced outdoors, but wind blowing in the wrong direction is also a concern. And of course the waiter is going table to table or you’re going up to the bar, and there’s the smear transmission element as well.


Legit curious to know how badly you can fuck yourself up snorting grain alcohol.