Yeah my BIL got one and said it’s great. Seriously considering it

This is a good point. When the marriage ends in failure nobody is going to care if you went to the wedding.


Is this the part where I reiterate that my family is insanely religious and my 31 yr old sister has been saving herself for marriage and that part of the impetus to do it now is because otherwise they either would be living in sin or have to continue waiting? It’s beyond fucking parody tbh.


Weddings bring out the crazy in people. You don’t have to respond to other people having irresponsible, unsafe expectations. Gotta set boundaries with family or it will keep happening forever. May as well start now.

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Not to mention nobody, is all of history, over hundreds of millions of weddings, has ever enjoyed themselves at one.

Send a carefully curated porn clip compilation so they know what to do.

Then stay home.


I’ve never enjoyed myself at one sober. I’ve been to a couple ragers that were legitimately fun but they are the exception. This will obviously not be that kind of wedding.

I’m in for $20 as well if you wear a suit over a hazmat suit, but only if we get pics. Preferably with the bride and groom, alternatively a Trumpy two thumbs up by a large spread of food could work.


Man, I’m squarely on team infrequent contact-less takeout/delivery, but I dunno about a wedding. I get that it’d be a familial nightmare, and I’d probably end up going since my wife and I are pretty much isolated/work from home/low risk/healthy. Certainly if I was in contact with anyone vulnerable, that’s a hard no.

I honestly can’t understand how anyone would even consider having a wedding ceremony in this climate, but I guess I’m in NY and more people take it seriously here.

But still, to not have enough self awareness to realize that you’re putting at least some portion of your 90 guests in a really awkward (not to say potentially dangerous) situation is pretty bleh.

Go to City Hall and get hitched, and have the ceremony/party next year, wtf.

I’ve enjoyed most of the weddings I’ve been to, including my own.


saving herself till 31, jfc, what year is it?


I’m willing to go to $50 if you and the wife get a joined-at-the-hip two person hazmat suit, so you’re sharing the same bubble.


I love wedding receptions, almost always have a good time. Even at the last one I went to, my ex’s wedding, which I was dreading (I was over her and we were friends, but the only people there who I knew were her, her fiance, and her aunt who was like her mother)… Ended up having a great time and getting the number of a girl at my table. Weddings themselves, well, it’s like the entry fee to the reception.

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I mean I don’t know that for sure obviously but I suspect that is a big part of the lack of desire to delay the ceremony.

Not sure how well you know this person but I’m really curious to ask people if they truly were 100% asymptomatic of if they had some allergies or something earlier in the week that they assumed weren’t related.

It just seems wild to me that you can be spewing virus out of your throat like a fire hose and not feel even a little off in any way.

I was predicting the odds of failure at 50%. With this new found information that they have not had sex? I put it down to 20% it lasts.

Get really drunk and when you shake hands with everyone, put em in a big old bear hug and say, “I tested positive just this morning, thank God this virus thing is a liberal hoax, am I right???”

Then give em a big old kiss on the cheek and move on to the next person, coughing as you go. Should be a hoot.


Fauci is definitely Dead Doctor Walking.

Dead pony walking imo.

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Weddings are a great time, your people are doing it wrong.

Lol at weddings now in the US though