People just don’t fucking care. They’re stupid, they’re selfish and they certainly aren’t going to spend any time educating themselves on this.

Until they personally might die, or their immediate family actually dies, they could give a flying fuck.


Just seems like it has a decent shot of being a lineage altering event. I would also struggle with it.

Again one of these things I am not directly faced with so it easy for me to say “Don’t go”.

I do think it is irresponsible and massively inconsiderate to have dramatically changed the dynamic of the event.

Mother’s Day kicked off Corona Redux but events like this wedding are going to fuel it over the summer.

Maybe you can ask her which fast testing kit she will be using on isolated guests before they are allowed into the venue.

That’s correct. So the only question is how many people have to die before the 20% of us who care join up with 35-40% who have been personally affected enough to come to their senses?

I only keep throwing out 1M because it’s a nice round number, the real number might be like 10M so it doesn’t even matter.

As I said, we’re all playing a zero sum game to gather all the resources we can to improve our lives. The degree to which you have empathy hurts you, which is a point against all of us. I mean, fuck, why does the GOP want to be open for business? Duh! Cause their billionaire donors can stay at home on their fat asses, and their homes have pools and tennis courts and putting greens and movie theatres, and they might as well keep making money if they can force the rest of us back to work right? So fuck it, go back to work while the billionaires smoke Cubans and drink $2,000 a bottle wine and work on their short game in their third home (cause the first two are closer to civilization).

The amazing part to me is that they got some of the peasants they’re fucking over to go out in the streets and protest on their behalf. At some point you’ve just got to respect that level of evil genius. Imagine how much good they could do if they were so inclined…

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There is absolutely no way to save the American economy fwiw. Small businesses are going to be absolutely destroyed. When people say they want to save the economy, it’s rich people not wanting their stock portfolio to get crushed. They don’t care about the bartender losing their job at the local pub at all.


In more ways than one, my man.


Of course. But I do think that posters here underestimate the degree to which the working class is going to go back to normal once they have to go back to work in full. I think their patience with working 8 hours and then sitting at home all night and all weekend is going to be very short-lived. You’re going to get a lot of, “If I catch it, I catch it, everyone probably will at some point anyway. It’s probably not going to be much worse than the flu for me and my family, anyway.”

Frankly, the rich are probably thrilled if a lot of small businesses go under and commercial real estate prices crash. Great opportunity to buy up property and/or start new businesses, thus consolidating more wealth upward.


Yeah, your last paragraph nails it as well. Originally intended to say exactly that. There are so many places in NA where cool new “hip” restartaunts and breweries have thrived in the last decade. These places are just going to get killed and replaced by boring chains again, if they get replaced at all.

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If you do go you should probably be honest with your sister and tell it will likely create some uncontrollable tension towards her because you feel she is putting you and everyone else in an unfair position.

I truly don’t think 3 million deaths even moves the needle. Like absolutely zero. That’s 1% of the population, heavily skewed towards older people. If you assume 2/3 of the deaths are people over 70, that’s a 1 in 300 death rate. This country is way too stupid to understand how catastrophic that is.

Of course, 3,000 deaths on 9/11 caused us to spend trillions of dollars blowing shit up and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. This country is beyond saving.


I’m willing to do the time in Hell if thems the rules.

I was just thinking, let us say they could get quick testing and test everyone before coming in. 90% if Aunt Margaret tests positive people ferociously argue for her to be allowed in and she will try not to get too close to people.


Like MAYBE if 10 million people die there will be actual outrage. Maybe. But honestly, probably not. Just send some fighter jets over hospitals and call it a day.


Yeah I loved that. No money for expanding UI any longer, no blue state bailouts, not much PPE, but can we interest you in a Blue Angels flyover?

When it was really bad in Italy, the British press was gleeful, and now they’re praising Boris despite surpassing Italy.

Right Wingers were gleeful when this was mostly just hitting New York. If most of the deaths are big cities, especially left leaning places like Cali/NY, 40% of people will be happy about this.

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Option 1

Option 2

Option 3



Legit laughed at option 3 man. Thanks I needed that.


I skipped my sisters wedding because I was super clinically depressed. My whole family was super pissed at the time. Nobody cared even a little bit like 6 months later. If you don’t feel comfortable going, don’t go.


You might need a size 60 suit to put over it.

Id pitch in 20 bucks.

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Weddings are dumb and a total waste of time and money at the best of times. Lol going to one that might kill you.


I feel perfectly comfortable with me taking the risk of going for myself. Where I don’t feel comfortable is the risk I would be placing everyone else in. My wife and I are getting this no matter what it is just a matter of when. That being said I would be concerned about spreading it even if my wife and I weren’t high risk to have it.

I think my sister is being extremely selfish obviously. I told my mom tonight that I would go if everyone was fully disclosed about the fact my wife has direct exposure to Covid patients on the reg, and then by extension so do I, and they were all fine with it. Obviously I was trying to make the point to her that it isn’t remotely fair to everyone else to expect my wife and I to be present at this thing all weekend. She did not like that at all and fired back that maybe the groom should pick another groomsman. I agreed and encouraged that. Especially being in some private area of a restaurant crammed in with people sounds like the literal peak opportunity for this thing to spread.