We hit a number where enough people know someone close to them who died, and that’s when they care. It’s not the total number, it’s the likelihood of being personally impacted. Keep in mind as well that 1M dead bodies means somewhere around 150M cases. There’s a lot of sickness, hospitalization, ventilators, fear and suffering.

Wow didn’t know you guys had so few. We have 1200 in Alberta like 900 of them in Calgary.

Of course not, and it’s going to apply immense pressure on Dems because the American people are not smart enough to understand that.

My completely asymptomatic coworker just tested positive. That should put a pause in the company’s plans to bring back everyone from WFH in 4 weeks…


Slightly off, 32 active cases, four hospitalizations and no new cases today for Manitoba are the official numbers.

It’s complete fiction. Manitoba has almost 300 causes, centered around Winnipeg as you would expect.

I hope for the sake of all the Americans itt this is true but I think you underestimate the death cult in play. People don’t just shake off a cult. Its deep and ingrained.

Oh you’re counting active cases only. That’s why it’s a small number.

What, those are total cases for the entire length of testing.

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Yep, I didn’t know you were talking about active cases, my mistake. I thought you were saying the virus basically skipped Manitoba, lol.

Drive through testing here in Indy. It’s somewhat available for anyone in certain places. He just wanted to know if he had it.

Helps that the same number of people live in the entire province as live in Calgary.

Manitoba/Saskatchewan have definitely fared better than most places, I’d assume not being as big of populations as other cdn cities and not being big travel spots has helped, as has how spread out the cities are.

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What you do is exactly what We all know you should do

Do not go to anything

We know it’s not safe and if they have 100 people there someone is getting sick

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I mean, it doesn’t even fucking matter. Herd immunity, assuming it’s a thing, would be something like 2M dead. Even if we slam the brakes on when we hit 1M, it’s going to take another month to slow it back down and we’ll probably be at 1.5-1.7M by the time that happens, anyway. So we’ll just limp over the finish line to herd immunity at that point.

Fuck, that’s what we’re going to do isn’t it? Totally wasted shutdown that only serves to wreck the economy as we then race to herd immunity anyway, then just when we get close, another shutdown to fucking curb stomp the economy as it starts to pick itself back up, then limp to herd immunity none the less. Then blame Obama.

It’s THE most stupid way to go, so obviously it’s what we’re going to do.

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How dare you put His name in lowercase.

The cost of completely skipping it is going to be some extreme damage to some fairly meaningful relationships to me. If this was a friend or not immediate family it would be a slam dunk to attend none of it.

Yeah we have what? 1.2 million active cases in America officially? Real number is probably 3 to 10 times that. So 1/91 to 1/27 people have an active case right now.

People who are going to weddings are probably more likely than average to have it, because they’re taking fewer precautions. So the expected value here for 90 people plus 10 servers/bartenders/whatever is going to be 1.09 to 3.7 people with coronavirus at this wedding.

Then you all get to play the paint spreading game, except with the actual virus. The bride and groom will be shaking hands with almost everyone, hugs all around, people may be singing along to music, shouting out during a toast, heavy breathing while dancing. It’s a young covid-19’s wet dream.

If 1 to 4 people have it, 90-100 are going to be exposed to it by the end of the night. This is the type of thing where one person walks in with it and 40+ walk out with it.


Better yet, say you got tested and tested positive. If you never get it, you take the secret to your grave. If you get it later and people start asking how you got it twice, make up a false positive story.

Oh, and give a toast via Facetime or something. Coronavirus-sick brother gives heartfelt toast via video chat as a tear comes to his eye is sure to be a hit.