My sister is getting married at the end of May. Up until tonight to the best of my knowledge the plan was to have a very small family only ceremony and no rehearsal, rehearsal dinner or reception. I find out today that the new plan is to have a 90 person wedding with rehersal dinner and a full blown reception in a private room at a restaurant and then a reception in a private space at another restaurant after the wedding. Now that we are OPEN FOR BUSINESS they think it’s fine.

I’m supposed to be in the wedding. I was fine with it when it was supposed to be some tiny family only affair without a lot of contact. I now feel more than a little uneasy about it especially with my wife working directly with Covid patients. My mom was not pleased about my reservations.

I didn’t say this but the whole thing is idiotic. I have no idea what they are thinking and it seems insane. The parents of the bride and groom are 65-70. The groom’s dad has cancer and has been getting radiation treatment for it. I told my mom we probably wouldn’t be attending any of the festivities outside of the ceremony itself and that did not go over well.


Yeah we’re just going to see a series of conservative justices ruling in favor of conservatives in a variety of places. The best part is it’ll be Republican counties beating a Democratic governor in Wisconsin, and a Republican governor beating Democratic mayors in Texas.

I assume some of it will come before the Supreme Court, and I don’t think they’ll figure out a way to say that Republicans rule and Democrats drool across the board, but I’m sure they’ll try.

The “best” part of the thread, for me:

So, Wisconsonites were forced to vote in the midst of a pandemic, booted one of the Republican justices, and he gets to have this be one of his last rulings as he heads out the door… I am unable to can.

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I don’t think anyone should be sacrificed. On the flip side I’m pissed that I can take my cancer filled dog to the vet and end their suffering but Humans with no quality of life have to endure sometimes months or years because god?

We’re going to see a lot of this, people mostly trust their local government to not actively try to kill them. So if the state tells them it’s safe to OPEN FOR BUSINESS, it must be safe - and look around, everyone else is going out and about too! They wouldn’t all walk off a cliff together, silly.

Then they’ll all be “Who could have seen this coming?” all the way down as cases spike.

Tough spot for you, you’re clearly in the right and the odds of somebody dying from this get together seem reasonably high… But you’re going to lose family relationships over it for quite some time and maybe permanently if you don’t go. I have no clue how to handle that, it’s a tough judgment call. I probably would not be a part of it, but I don’t have siblings so it’s tough for me to say.

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Friend here was supposed to get married in Nov and instead of waiting and seeing how things panned out just got married in their backyard with immediate family this weekend. And this is in a place with 12 active cases in the whole province.

American attitudes are just going to kill tens of thousands of extra people.


MERICA! DEMOCRACY! YEAH!!! We are a beacon on a hill, my friends. A shining light for the world to look up to.

Remember when Barack Obama and the Democrats didn’t ram the ACA with a public option through because they wanted to give the GOP a fair shot in a special election? What a bunch of fucking idiots.


No way I’m attending a wedding. What the fuck is wrong with people.


LOL tens of thousands? I wish.

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What province are you in?

Manitoba. All of our cases are on a Northern reserve atm I believe.


I’m starting to see from the derp sphere

“Oh Georgias been opened up, where is their spike in deaths huh? Open up already!”

God damn it

The President of the United States is going on TV like daily telling people it’s safe and we’re beating this thing and we have the most testing in the world and the best care and we are the envy of the world!

Most people aren’t very political and don’t think the POTUS would lie like that, they just don’t pay much attention. Then like 40% of people think he TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! Plus you have localities and states saying it’s safe to open up. I mean, geez, these Republicans it’s not like they are going to march people to their deaths!

So probably 70% of people are just going to be, “Ho hum it must be safe now.”

We’re a dumb fucking country we won’t realize it until we stack up a lot of bodies. As a wise man once said, “Get busy livin’, or get busy dyin’.”

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Light years ahead

I am in OKC but the wedding is in my hometown of Wichita. So you had it right.

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Yeah I’m pretty sure I predicted this - dunno if it was here or in a group text to my friends. They’ll go two weeks, no spike, it’s safe, everyone open up. If that spike doesn’t come in the next week or so, Democratic governors are going to be stuck in one hell of a spot.

What amount of bodies will matter to people who want to arrest Fauci and think him and Obama are traitors? I don’t think a million deaths mean much most Trump voters.

Ya it’s pretty much this. Also I think my situation really outlines how badly fucked up testing is here. If there was a rapid test that my wife and I could go get the Thursday before (or maybe everyone attending could get) that could really alleviate some of the risk. #1 in testing though right?


The spike isn’t coming right away because that isn’t how any of this works and I completely agree the morons are going to be beating the drum hardcore as a result.