That is horrible and is a fundamental symptom of why we are so broken.

Public companies are run by people who are incentivized to screw their customers and employees over as much as they possibly can.

“You run this company? You have to make life as horrible as possible for customers without them going elsewhere and make life as horrible for employees as possible without them quitting”.

For the investor, it is all just numbers on a computer screen and they want maximum efficiency. They do not connect any of it to actual people in any context.

I think public companies are much worse in that regard. Private companies can be just as evil but often are less so and in some cases have very different success metrics. Public companies on the other hand, only have one set of metrics and if the people running the companies don’t purse them they are fired 100% of the time.

Parody or bank account full of Truant bucks?

You still have Murtaugh, Faceman and BA at home though right?

Wow I hope you guys see this. Democrats always trying to politicize tragedy.

I quit smoking like 15 years ago but I still remember the dreams. They were very similar to the ones you describe: someone would ask me to hold a cigarette for them, I would inadvertently take a puff, and would immediately get freaked out because I was a smoker again. The dreams lasted for at least a year and would wake me up in the middle of the night. Crazy stuff.

Iceland is down to 15 active cases


Fucking shocker!

This is insane. We should start seeing a massive increase in cases any day now and this is the decision he makes? Of course, we may never see such increase, but I dont for a second believe a single number coming out of Georgia.

Do any of you have a good response to this? i don’t agree with it, obviously, but it’s being passed around social media and I want to destroy it.

My initial thought is, ok, yea, now all of a sudden you care about the well being of others.


It’s concern trolling. The ones protesting carrying around thousands of dollars of artillery aren’t on the brink of starvation.


yea i mean the govt could be helping with all of that, the derposphere is just going with "There are 2 options, we send everyone back to unsafe places and let the bodies pile up, or they starve etc. Its more like the GOP is only leaving us with those two options.


They’re not protesting against the government whose policies have made all those things several times worse than they had to be, but for MA FREEDUHM!

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I mean this is the same guy that equated homosexuality with being mentally ill. What more do you need to know.

Yeah, I know you live there, but fuck those places


I guess he was actually saying transgendered people were mentally ill so my memory failed me some. The horrible blog is here:

And reaching herd immunity as the outbreak is raging is a completely different scenario than, for example, doing so after a vaccine has been created. With a vaccine, you can immunize people before they’ve encountered the virus, so by the time the virus gets to a vaccinated population, it has nowhere to spread. But in an active outbreak, even once the herd immunity threshold is reached, the infection keeps going. It takes time for the spread of the disease to crest because, for a while at least, many contagious people will each still infect a small number of vulnerable people, which means even more people will get sick and die. It’s a phenomenon known as “overshoot.”

“The disease sort of stops increasing at the point when you reach herd immunity, but there’s still lots and lots of people infected. It only slowly goes down, and on its way down, [it] infects another third of the population,” said Richard Neher, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Basel in Switzerland. “If you drive a car and suddenly you switch off the engine, it doesn’t stop instantly.”

So think of crossing the herd immunity threshold as determining the fate of the disease (it’s now bound to die out) rather than its status (it’s dead).

Since the new coronavirus is highly contagious (meaning a large percentage of the population would have to get it to slow its spread), the human toll of reaching herd immunity without a vaccine would be staggering. And that’s assuming that once a person gets sick, they stay immune for a long time. But at this point, we don’t know if that’s the case.

Well that sucks.


Times like this reminds me that the US descended from England / UK. Both have been terrible in handling the pandemic. From the government side to the citizens acting out.


How confident are you that the governments reporting is accurate?

Nightmare scenario - we rush a vaccine, it causes problems - anti-vaxxers grow their ranks 10x or 100x.