
Have I been eating burgers wrong this whole time?

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“Yeah that shit is terrible we should give people more checks and make healthcare free.”


Ask him if he delivered food to the food bank
before or after volunteering at the suicide outreach program and getting his haircut.

None of the people claiming their rights are being trampled care about any of those things.

Perhaps mr. Walsh will lobby Congress to provide a few hundred billion dollars so food banks can replenish and distribute. While he is at it he can ask them to extend the unemployment benefits. Oh yeah and finally ask him to push for universal healthcare because lack of access to affordable healthcare kills many more people than all the reasons he listed combined.

I would be interested in seeing what he does to oppose pain and suffering during non pandemic times. I am sure he is incredibly empathetic and caring. Kids in cages? Sure he opposes it? Homeless people? Wants to tuck all of them in at night himself.


Or how many times hes joined the anti-gun groups in his area to help knock out about 20K suicides a year. These tickets dont care about anything outside of THEIR comfort and well-being. If it means sending the masses back to the coronamines so they can be happy and comfortable they will use any disingenuous argument they can get their hands on.

Edit: hmmm, no idea what my auto correct changed to get “tickets” up above.

Probably fuckers

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How likely is that? I would guess that a failed vaccine rollout would simply be one that is not as effective as intended.

Kinda wild you are stranded in Nicaragua now due to covid, I was stranded there two years ago due to mass protests.

Quite confident. They update the stats on the website twice a day and have daily press conferences.

The crisis team taking care of the pandemic is multipartisan. The minority parties would be screaming to high heaven if there was any fuckery going on with the stats.

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Yeah that’s why over half the protests are about wearing masks, which should actually help stimulate the economy by allowing it to open earlier, and in no universe hurt the economy.

Unless you’re telling me right-wing snowflakes will just stay home, and fuck the economy, if they have to wear a mask.


most of this is just horse shit that trump blurts out and is in no way based in reality. are millions really on the brink of starvation like we’re russian peasants? what made matt walsh decide that suicides are on the rise? is there an article or a study he’s read or did he just go with his gut here? small businesses destroyed!!! by the coronavirus or is it nancy pelosi’s fault? i don’t know i’m just asking questions

I’ve pretty much accepted that as a country, very few people are going to behave responsibly here, and if people aren’t making out with strangers in bars and licking door knobs, that’s about the best we can hope for. This is a weakest link scenario, and our weakest links are fucking hilariously weak. The only way that’s going to change is when we stack up 250K, 500K, 1M dead American bodies. I don’t know what the number is, but it’s a big one, and of course by then it’ll be sort of too late anyway. If we have 500K dead and 100M cases, what good does a lockdown do? What are we going to do, get the active cases down to 50M and let her rip again?

This country needs to be taught a lesson, and it’s not going to be taught by you or me. It’s not going to be taught by the people 90% as careful as you or me. It’s going to be taught by the virus and natural selection.

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe, make sure people can access information to help them do the same, and that’s about all we can do.


Update from the Netherlands. Lockdown had been loosened a bit from beginning of this week:

  • primacy schools are opened for 50% of normal occupancy
  • some professions allowed to be practiced against, like hairdressers. Masks are available for who wants them. Disinfection after every customer. At least 1.5 meter between all customers at all times.

If the reproduction number increase too much, more measures will be taken down gradually.

This is a chart of COVID19 ICU admissions:

New cases is now at app. 200 cases a day.


The two countries that have most embraced corporate capitalism. Along with the regulatory capture it brings. Bringing the private sector in to rip the copper wire out of our public institutions to boost their profits has downsides apparently.


Thanks. I called CHLA and they’re taking all the precautions they can. I wish they’d do blood donations outdoors in their courtyard but that’s probably not realistic. Anyway I talked to my wife and she’s OK with it so I’m going tomorrow morning.

Children’s lives, microbet!


I went in late March/early April and the clinic was packed in Toronto. it was appointment only and they had so many precautions in place, but I’m guessing people were trying to donate more because they saw a need to. Many first time donors too.


OK, so I put my hand in my mouth, bad. I put food in my mouth, fine? Like are a bunch of you magically able to transport food from just outside your mouth to your stomach without contacting your mouth? If the inside of my mouth can be a vector to catch coronavirus from my hands, why not from food?

Now, if your argument is just that you can reheat it to kill it, okay fine - but then we’re back to relying on people following all of the precautions, and each time you have to run through that process there’s a risk of messing it up somewhere along the way. So it’s back to JT’s point - there’s an increased risk, understand it and acknowledge it and decide accordingly.

I’ve mostly avoided reading this debate because it’s so tilting. But like come on, people. It’s an added risk, use some logic here. If licking your finger is a risk, so is putting the pizza in your mouth without reheating it. We’re all humans, nobody is going to be 100% perfect at going through the safety precautions every time, and they don’t reduce the risk to zero. Like, dip a pizza box in paint and try to get it from outside your door to a plate without accidentally leaving some paint somewhere in your home or on your person. I have a feeling people will be surprised.


Yeah this isn’t about national/regional/local R0 (or to be a nit really Rt). This is accepting that the country is going to collectively fuck this up big time and reducing our own personal risk of catching it to the level we are each comfortable with.

To me, the biggest consideration isn’t my death risk, it’s the risk of permanent lung/brain/kidney/heart/reproductive damage - or something else we haven’t figured out is a long-term risk here.

This. One aspect of being social creatures, by the way, is a herd mentality. If we see other people doing things and they appear to feel safe, and we see no immediate negative effects, we are way more likely to do them. So like injecting 40% of the country with complete and total bullshit that makes them want to go back to normal makes us question our sanity. We see them partying it up in groups, going to restaurants in states that are open, etc, and it is a big challenge to keep reminding ourselves that is not safe. Especially as it starts to creep into the other 60%.

We’re going to open back up, we’re going to kill a bunch of people, this is going to get really bad - make good decisions for yourselves, don’t fall for the groupthink that is being fed off of the right wing misinformation.


Yea I agree. This mentally of USA#1 is going to get a lot of people killed. And there’s nothing we can do about it.


This is a bad argument to try to counter directly because the straw man position actually is quite dumb. People protesting lockdown policies aren’t wrong to point out that they’re extremely burdensome. The convincing counter-arguments are that much of the economic damage would occur absent formal policies and that the formal lockdown policies will save lots of lives (not sure how convincing this is in the US?). The other counterargument to protestors is that the same ones protesting lockdowns are also protesting masks and vaccines that would conceivably allow lockdowns to end without all the people dying.

But getting baited into minimizing the costs of the lockdown is a big mistake and wrong.

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Remember in The Matrix? “Your men are already dead.”

We’ve already started the chain reaction that’s going to make a bunch of places blow up. Nothing can be done about it now, and it’s going to spill over all over the country when covidiots decide to go vacation in Florida and Texas and such. The only question is whether the summer slows it down enough that we just keep on doing stupid shit all summer and pay the piper in the fall, or whether it gets really bad really fast and the check comes due in like mid-June.