
Team B has half the people in the office today when they should be at home

So as expected the corona task force was a sham and a ruse to get everyone back to the office before the state wide lock down even ends.


I self-identify as a statist.

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We are on an identical timeline for quitting cigs. Do you still have the dreams?

The craziest part is the dream is always about something else but I always notice that I have cigarette in my hand. I think " How is that, i quit years ago." My brain recognizes that something is amiss but its always bewildering since its always a deja vu moment.

Took me a couple dozen of these dreams to figure out why that deja vu moment was always a thing. Itā€™s because I was remembering all the other dreams.


The patches were a life saver for me. I could not have quit without them.

It probably is rocket science in terms of complexity, but the mechanism isnā€™t that hard to think through.

COVID is gonna thrive in respiratory passageways, so delivering it directly to respiratory passageways is gonna be bad. Thereā€™s no better way to deliver it to those than by breathing it in, either through your nose or especially your mouth. That pulls viral droplets straight into the sweet spot where they can reproduce.

Touching your nose with contaminated fingers? Probably not nearly as dangerous as breathing in viral droplets, but also not a good idea. Your nose is really good at filtering air and blocking pathogens. Thatā€™s kind of its main reason for existing. The virus might get trapped in mucous, but thatā€™s quite risky.

Touching your mouth with contaminated fingers? Saliva is really damned antiseptic. It will dilute and kill diffuse viruses quite well. Not quite as worried it will get lodged in the respiratory tract like this.

Eating food that is contaminated? Seems like it isnā€™t great, but your saliva has already started digesting the food, your teeth have ground it up into a mush, and it probably doesnā€™t survive on food all that well to begin with.

Getting takeout means exposing yourself to all four of the risks above, probably in greater quantity than going to the store and getting groceries. Getting groceries will eliminate the final risk altogether, but thatā€™s not one Iā€™m particularly concerned about. To me, the bigger danger is going to be frequency: takeout is just one meal or maybe two, while the grocery store can be 20 meals at once.

Personally, I do both takeout and groceries. Your risk tolerance may vary.


Granting that youā€™re not doing a parody of a liberal, which you may well be doing, youā€™re doing for liberals what I was talking about Johnny doing regarding things like avoiding COVID and being less of a consumer, though youā€™re doing it for fascism.

Man it would be great if we could translate some of this guyā€™s downright reckless and moronic leadership into flipping one or both of those Senate seats.

I get that part, but if the virus finds its way to your throat when you put infected hands in your mouth, it will also reach your throat when you put infected food in your mouth. Not all of it will go to the stomach. (Unless weā€™re back to the theory of washing the virus down with a glass of water after youā€™ve put your infected hands in your mouth?)

But I get the sense thatā€™s not even what theyā€™re arguing about, so Iā€™ll remove myself from their quarrel.

The concern seems to be touching your eyes/nose if youā€™ve got the 'rona on your fingers, hence the handwashing. Everyone seems to be cagey about whether itā€™s even possible to get it via ingestion. The #1 danger involved with takeout is still possible respiratory droplets from the takeout guy.


You appreciate that proving a negative is difficult, no?


IMO these JT arguments are height nittiness. If youā€™re arguing about quarantining vs super quarantining either way you are going to be dropping down R0 to like .25. Around here we see daily block parties and no one seems to get sick, and Iā€™m mocked by my social circles for social distancing and mask wearing. This entire thread is just so far removed from anything most in the country are thinking about. My neighbor still voluntarily goes into work instead of working from home, even though it means they still have to send the kid to daycare.


I see libertarianism as a bigger enemy than fascism.

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I am taking small risks like getting takeout. But I donā€™t have any vulnerable people around me, and Iā€™ve sorted resigned myself to getting this because I have a roommate whoā€™s taking like zero precautions and works in public transport. Itā€™s near 100% I get this at some point.

He said he might be moving out in June in which case Iā€™ll probably do super-quarantine.

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Is this literally your entire point over the last day or two? Because if thatā€™s it I agree 100%. Zero point zero chance Iā€™m not going to sanitize, toss, or wait at least 3 days before any package comes into my house. We already know the virus can live on surfaces and itā€™s also very likely that smear transmission can occur, even if itā€™s not the primary mode of transmission.

Czech Republic is for the most part open for business.

Outdoor areas of pubs are now open and obviously given that drinking is what happens there, got a whole lot of people not engaging in social distancing and not wearing masks. They have them hanging around their neck to not interfere with drunkenness.

Thereā€™s been almost no significant news on covid19 in the Czech Republic. Things continue to get progressively better. Over 60% of total cases are recovered and the number of active cases has dropped 40% since its peak. What will be important is what will happen around the end of the month when nearly everything is completely open. At that point, wearing masks outdoors becomes voluntary. Masks indoors and social distancing will be mandatory until the end of June (though social distancng will be hard to enforce in some places). Itā€™s also possible that theyā€™ll become mandatory in the fall as a combination of flu season and covid19 outbreaks would be a nightmare for the country.


I think the argument is partly whether the goal is to minimize risk or to manage risk so it falls below an acceptable threshold. Iā€™m choosing to operate with the latter goal.

There are people who are bad at understanding risk and are going to bad at decision-making no matter what the goal is. They deserve to have choices taken away from them.

Lots of the world is just now starting to blow up. Which makes me more worried for many of the states here in the US who have not been hit hard. I think they are all extremely vulnerable and it would take very little for any one of them to become a hotspot in a monthā€™s time.

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What could anyone ever have done anything about it? I am sure some might blame the federal government for not actively and continuously making sure we have critical supplies, but what would have Hillary done different. Nobody could have done any better than trump, that is for sure!

If you deep throat and swallow your fingers you should be okay. Fingers touching around the mouth, nose and eyes can deposit the virus in vulnerable places.

Eating a burger with some virus on it is u likely to wind up in those same places unless you touch all over your face with your burger, pizza slice etc.

I think I have a thinking-dinosaur-meme candidateā€¦

Would the MAGA crowd demand the Masterpiece Cakeshop bake for a gay coupleā€¦

if the gay couple was refusing to wear facemasks?