
122,000 so far I believe. It will include deaths that absent covid would have been prevented or delayed (but itā€™s probably fair to include them). Probably ponied.

Three times the UK figure with five times the population, but climbing fast.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if suicides went down during Covid. Depressed people tend to withdraw from society and feel alone, if everyone is withdrawn they probably feel more of a sense of togetherness. I base this on one person I know who is loving Covid because they donā€™t have to go and see anyone or do anything. Long term it may increase as society changes, but right now I could see it going either way.

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If itā€™s true I think thereā€™s probably a large qualititive difference in the type of patient and complaint these hospitals are experiencing.

Say you operate your hospital at 90% capacity, and during the summer 20% of that capacity is generally spent on elective procedures. A pandemic comes along, so you clear the decks of all non essential patients and maybe youā€™re foresighted enough to build in some additional capacity as well, just in case. Nonetheless, occupancy steadily climbs into and through the 90ā€™s despite your best efforts. Clearly the latter scenario is far more serious than the former even if the headline figure appears to have remained the same.

Offset that against people who canā€™t function without an active social life and who will find it hard to cope with having too much time on their own to think.

Right, thatā€™s what I was talking about. And I was saying that the US is actually doing better in the (excess deaths)/(Reported Covid deaths) ratio than many European countries ā€“ in the UK, Italy, France, and Spain that number is substantially above 1, in the US it is actually slightly below one. Which to me doesnā€™t indicate that the US is doing a particularly poor job in identifying covid deaths.

Are those people often depressed and suicidal?

I think sometimes an overactive social life can be an escape.

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Iā€™m just so glad I donā€™t work in this field. Good god, the fucking vitriol over the smallest shit.

Ok, so itā€™s about the accuracy of the reported deaths figure.

Which bodies are responsible for reporting covid deaths?

state health departments as far as I know.

Which (guessing) would presumably be consistent with non-skewed figures, unlike if it came from a Trump department.

The big scandal in the UK is how old infected patients were discharged from hospitals into care homes for the elderly, thus getting them off the official covid death count and causing the infection to spread like wildfire in care homes.

Do they normally have to send adult patients to the childrenā€™s hospital? Iā€™ll hang up and listen.

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Excess deaths through late May were 122,000 while Covid deaths were around 100,000. So this ratio isnā€™t below 1.


every time i see ā€œthis state had x cases today!ā€ i have to convert that number into how many that would be if they had the population of california because that is the only way I can understand how bad it is. Iā€™m like wow Arizona had 3,800 cases yesterday that is like if California hadā€¦ googles numbersā€¦ opens calculatorā€¦ 20,000! I should make myself a spreadsheet or understand per capita better.

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Dow just had best quarter since 1987 - Coronavirus solved!


That happened in some parts of the U.S., too. Not sure about it being a part of the stats problem, but nursing homes were used for COVID-19 patients with predictably bad results.

lol amazing

I mean, maybe, who knows?


Not exactly what I said, sweep a lot of it it under the rug.


We have inadequate testing in numerous states right now. Is anyone other than liberals blaming Trump?



You do not even deserve responses Keeed.

This conveniently fell in line right after a bunch of hot garbage from KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED.

Right, conservatives who were riled up byā€¦ Fill in the blanks Keeed:

D _ _ _ _ _ J T_ _ _ _

The smallest shit, like a change that leads to a bunch of recently reopened businesses ending a bunch of cleaning efforts to mitigate the spread of a deadly virus in a pandemic, so that they can make more money while pointing to the CDC website and saying, ā€œSee, weā€™re following it!ā€

Good god, I say, good god!