If you were talking about my SIL’s thing I believe they have rented two houses for the 25 or so people going. I don’t think AirBNBs shut down during the first shutdown for the most part so I doubt they get bailed out by that.

I wonder what 100,000 daily cases looks like in hospital in 14 days?

Hopefully the are too old for the “save the marriage” baby. Ive seen so many 5 year olds living between 40 something divorced parents.


Also need Trump’s signature on the USA Covid cases chart.

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I’m mocking you because you’re spinning wild conspiracies out of whole cloth. They reorganized a website and didn’t change their overall guidance like you implied. Have you considered the possibility that they could have entirely valid reasons for wanting to change the way they’re presenting information? Let’s at least consider it’s a possibility that they’re trying to do their job?

It’s bad enough when the right-wingers do this and force Dr. Acton to quit, now we’ve got otherwise bright people immediately assuming bad faith on the part of the people trying to help.

Yes I should have added “known”. Certainly when you factor in the unknown you are back up to the minimum.

For a completely different take from the senate:

Chopping board was the learning point, not the ‘style’ of market - not a choir or a restaurant… a chopping board which generally doen’t create it’s own aerosol


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I think he’d be fine because he’d listen to his advisors and know when he’s in over his head. Maybe not visionary, but I will take bog-standard playbook at this point.

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I got it - a series of clear plexiglass baffles that make the air run back and forth several times in the chamber before escaping, but since they’re clear you still only need one source of light. Whomever patents this I want 20%.

They are, they’re trying to help businesses open more profitably. From a public health standpoint, they’ve been fumbling this from the start. But they’re run by a political appointee, and they’re doing what they are told. At this point it’s not a conspiracy theory to think they’re doing what I’m suggesting, it’s a conspiracy theory to think they’re acting in good faith.

If they acted like Dr. Acton, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Does NY have any real chance of keeping out Southern US citizens? 16 states barred and rising.

Too many roads to roadblock even if airports close?

This thing will keep going round in circles if not

Probably ponied, but I can’t imagine having a vow renewal or going to anyone else’s under any circumstances.

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No, that was keeed.

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Right, I was laughed at for suggesting that the US would end up testing tens of millions of people. Embarrassing!

There isn’t even a real plan for doing anything to stop Covid in the USA at this point. Even for the places that have restrictions still they largely aren’t being enforced.

So no I would say NY has no chance to stop incoming travellers and would be very surprised if they even try in a way with actual teeth.

Oh shit, I forgot about that.

LMAO you’re going to attempt to take a victory lap for this? You mocked us for saying they were trying to suppress testing capacity. Do you really want me to dig up those receipts? I think you called me a conspiracy theorist, but I could be wrong about that.

And you can’t even get tested here. My sister called around today after her Rona wedding this weekend and both OK and Cleveland county were at capacity for tests.

My wife has been so negative about it the whole time not wanting to attend. I think she felt a sense of obligation to at least consider it because it was her sister. Obviously we aren’t going anyways but I agree that a vow renewal is a super cringe thing to do even in normal times.

Risking a big chunk of your family’s lives to do it is a whole different level of narcissism and insanity. Especially to prove that everything is fine after your husband got caught with a longtime girlfriend he may or may not still be seeing a year ago.


CVS has drive through testing that is free. I scheduled a test for Thursday in Edmond today. The health departments in this state suck and I would avoid them if at all possible.

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