I just found out I’ve been 3rd hand exposed. Someone I’m exposed to at work, was hanging out all weekend with someone who just tested positive. So if potentially A gave it to B over the weekend, and I’m exposed to B yesterday and today, is he likely contagious?

I went to schedule a Covid test before I go see my parents this weekend. In the past when my wife has scheduled one because of exposure at work or we were going to see a compromised family member she was able to get a test scheduled same day and get results by the next day. The earliest I can get in is Thursday afternoon. Either there is a lot less testing availability here or a lot more people seeking tests. Both seem bad.

This is from a metrologist I follow on Facebook. He has a PhD. He’s basically saying the same stuff people here are saying. He has dyslexia so his writing can be a bit off.

I think the answer to that is there is no way to know. Schedule a Covid test for later this week. Then you will know and won’t have to worry about it.

I mean, doing a vow renewal and expecting people to show up in normal times guarantees the person in question is a narcissistic tornado of a human. Booking it in April and expecting people to show up in July just adds “fucking moron” to the diagnosis.


So glad to live in LA right now where the anti-mask people are the outcasts.


Yup. The reason why makes it even worse. My BIL got caught banging his apparently long time GF last year so this is supposed to show us how serious they are about marriage!!! The whole thing is a complete joke from top to bottom.


IF we get this under any sort of control at any point in the next six months, then WHEN we reopen prematurely again and without proper precautions, the R0 of my frustration level is going to be about 350.0.


I bet this piece of shit wouldn’t have any problem making a woman get a trans-vaginal ultra-sound before she gets an abortion, though,

Small sample size but this should be an quick experiment as to whether the $50 air purifiers are the answer. Maybe the UVC element was BS and these are just circulating the Covid air, maybe not.

They were of a particular type - cocky looking dudes with a swagger - not at all like the more normal mask wearers who formed the majority here.

Rogan fans for sure.

I told 1 of these dudes 2 weeks ago, that after I batter his ass, I’m also suing his ass for any damage I get for defending myself, he couldn’t answer back lol

It’s not like us glaswegian to knock back a challenge… :wink: Alough my chat usually dissolves an encounter, I’m done with that nowadays wrt Covid-19 BS.


Having googled him, yes, or that type anyway. Think Bulldog from Frasier. Here we might call them meatheads but they’ve probably always been at least 20% of the male population as long as I can remember.

Just spent the last hour talking to my buddy who lives outside of Munich and the difference between things over there and here is pretty depressing.

Bulldogs or roast beef…

More importantly, tell your coworker to get tested.

I’d love to track them through the ages - it’s always the same with these morons.

In the 70s it was high waist trousers and platform soles.
In the 80s, yellow Pringle jumpers and pressed jeans (lol) or suits with flecks.

All should be self-quarantining for 7 days (testing and results will take ~4 days so there’s your spread before you even ‘know’ so that’s why you should lockdown before finding out you’re negative)