The timing of your reply freaked me the fuck out. I had just hit the button to submit my last post and you beat me in, as if reading my mind.

UP ahead of the curve as usual


Man some of these R0 values are wild. If these are accurate (and I have no reason to doubt you cuse) then there are a ton of places in very significant trouble.

I have another just horrible anecdotal Covid-19 horror story to share. My wifeā€™s sister has scheduled her vow renewal for the first week in August in Panama City Beach, FL (gross and tacky choice but that is pretty much par for the course with her sister). She scheduled it in April when all of the morons were convinced it was over. Here is the only problem, her and the vast majority of that part of my wifeā€™s family are still going. That includes people with health problems, older people, etc. Now that we are telling them we arenā€™t going there is some real animosity happening.

We told them from the beginning we were going to wait for July 1st and see what had happened with Covid-19 in Florida and the country in general. So here we are telling them we arenā€™t going because, surprise, Florida is a total shitshow and my SIL is pissed. I really donā€™t understand how selfish you have to be to plan something like this IN APRIL and then just act like everyone should sacrifice their lives to go to some shitty beach in hicksville, FL.

Overall I feel completely surrounded by stupidity. People donā€™t realize this isnā€™t going to last forever (well it might here because we are morons) and the complete lack of any desire to sacrifice any even minor pleasure is going to just make it be worse and last longer. Iā€™m fucking sick of it.


Let the CDC call me a crazy person. Iā€™m still disinfecting groceries and anything coming into my house from the outside.


Maybe I didnā€™t post in here, I thought I did, but Iā€™ve had one of these air purifiers with UV-C running in my house, my work, and my wifeā€™s office for months. There are industrial hvac systems that utilize the same technology. It wonā€™t disinfect surfaces, but Iā€™d think will help to keep a giant coronacloud from forming. I have a friend pretty high up in HR of a fortune 500 company. They equipped their offices and factories with some form of this after he read one of the articles I shared with him and Iā€™m sure was shared on here a few months back when it was just becoming obvious that it was mainly spreading through the air.

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This is not as bad as it seems; there was a data problem yesterday and today is just catching up. Last 5 days for AZ are:


Oklahoma new record with 585. Beats the old record by more than 100.

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Iā€™m not sure many air purifiers have provided vital equipment in the fight against other respitory pandemics and am sure the Chinese, who make that air purifier in the link would have made an announcement by now.

And itā€™s only the US CDC that are discounting surface transfer (itā€™s a real thing in countries that can actually track how and where infections occur)

IMO masks are only 60% of the story and thatā€™s if you know eactly how to store, take on / off etc. without surface transferring any nasties on the outside

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This is how a lot of superheroes were created, so Iā€™m in favor of it.

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There seems to be someone at the WHO whose job it is to create these graphics to answer Suzzerā€™s questions.

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I just discovered the updated WHO myth busters page - was thinking of a new UP gimmick especially for this purpose :) Weā€™ve done humidy so letā€™s move on to tempā€¦

Canā€™t seem to find a WHO graphic entitled ā€˜Can I circumvent Covid Border Tourist Entry Restrictions if Iā€™m travelling with a 4.0ltr V8?ā€™


So we shut down and follow some science and cases were going down nationwide.

Then we say ā€œSee it wasnā€™t as bad as everyone told us it was, fake news!ā€.

Then we decide not to follow science and all hell is breaking loose.

Great job USA.


A fucking vow renewal. In Florida. In July 2020.



Keep in mind that they are very volatile early on. Like if you start from single digit number of cases daily and go to 30-50 daily, youā€™re going to have an outrageous R0 until the single digit cases filter out of the two-week window. In the early stages it canā€™t go like: 0, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etcā€¦ Itā€™s going to be non-existent growth even though your theoretical R0 should be like, say, 3. Then all of a sudden you get a cluster, the R0 spikes to something ridiculous, growth takes off, and once that spike filters through and you start to get a larger sample size, the R0 number is going to be more stable/accurate.

And not even for a wedding, for a vow renewal. But in reality a lot of it is stupidity, not selfishness. Fake news! Hoax virus! Lower death rate! It must be safe, business is still OPEN!

Yep, my level of frustration is through the roof.

Me too. I never stopped.

This is just the Voting Rights Act all over again. From Ginsburgā€™s dissent in Shelby County:

Instead, the Court strikes Ā§4(b)ā€™s coverage provision because, in its view, the provision is not based on ā€œcurrent conditions.ā€ Ante , at 17. It discounts, however, that one such condition was the preclearance remedy in place in the covered jurisdictions, a remedy Congress designed both to catch discrimination before it causes harm, and to guard against return to old ways. 2006 Reauthorization Ā§2(b)(3), (9). Volumes of evidence supported Congressā€™ de-termination that the prospect of retrogression was real. Throwing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.

We are a country of absolute morons.


Thatā€™s been happening in a passive/aggressive way since before lockdown here - a couple of guys laughed at us wearing masks and shook their heads as we queued outside a supermarket.

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We need a fake Trump account doing new peaks in covid like he does new old peaks in the DJIA.

OKLA nearing 600! ALL TIME HIGH! Thank you, working very hard!

FLA-ORL is OFF THE CHARTS!!! The people, they love me! Thank you!


TX-HOU has hospitals packed, and they said it couldnā€™t be done! Many people are saying everythingā€™s bigger in Texas. Youā€™re welcome!

Not everyone is noticing the tremendous growth in SCAR, but your favorite president deserves all the credit, NOT Lady G! ENJOY!


I feel you. I had a cousin who Iā€™m really close with get married a few years ago down in the DR during the whole Zika Virus thing. Wife was pregnant at the time so we opted not to go. Some people complained and were mad that I just didnā€™t go alone. Yeah sure, leave the pregnant wife at home while I go on vacation to potentially bring back a virus that causes terrible health issues for our unborn child. I know other family members bitched behind our backs but I had a heart to heart with my cousin and she was totally understanding after talking with her.

In the end whether they are upset or not is not your fault. You have to do whatā€™s safe for you and yours.


EU sets list of approved countries

The European Council has recommended that from tomorrow (1 July), EU borders should be reopened to citizens from a variety of non-EU countries, including Canada, Morocco and Australia.

European diplomats have spent five days debating which countries outside of the EU should be included on the list of so-called ā€œsafe travel destinationsā€ in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The countries are as follows: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay.

China is subject to a reciprocity agreement, which is still pending. The decision is not legally binding, and means that individual member states will still need to decide whether or not to implement the policy.

The United States, Russia and Turkey are among many countries that are not included and itā€™s understood that intense lobbying was made by their representatives.

It is still not clear when citizens from the 15 countries will be able to fly to Europe. It now depends on the specific announcement from individual member states.

French officials say they expect to implement the decision in the ā€œcoming daysā€. This afternoon, the Czech Republic published a smaller version of the list, with eight countries that the government considers safe for the purposes of incoming and outgoing travel.

The EU Council list will be updated every two weeks. The UK is automatically included on the list alongside Switzerland, and with EEA members Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.