Depends on how the lights are marketed, if the My Pillow guy comes out with MyFarUVC bulbs they’ll be putting them up everywhere regardless of efficacy.


Oh we’re rocking, alright. It’s death metal, but we’re rocking.


Worldometers will tell you by toggling through “Today” and “Yesterday” and comparing the number of total tests. I think the info is on covidtracking as well.

Agree 100%.

There will of course be the minor issue to contend with that they are completely fake and ineffective and probably actually dangerous. But RWNJs will accept those ones.


RO: 1.96
Percent of Population Actively Infected: .19%

I can’t find good hospitalization data for Fulton County, but I’m ballparking it in the two-week range.

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SKIN DAMAGE WARNING Please note that at least one study (PDF) showed damage to human skin after exposure to equipment utilizing far UVC excimer lamp technology. According to that evaluation of a far UVC device, “At low doses below the threshold bacteriostatic effect, the source was capable of inducing both erythema and CPD formation in human skin.”

That seems concerning.

According to the Illumination Engineering Society, far UVC light bulbs can still pose a threat to human skin and eyes. Several studies have shown that far UVC has not damaged the skin or eyes of some mammals, while other studies have been inconsistent. One study even showed skin damage to humans after exposure to Far UVC.

The big danger is that, if the far UVC light source does not block longer-wavelength light from passing through the bulb envelope, it can still be dangerous. Manufacturing quality could play a large part in making this technology safe in the future, but small differences in wavelength can make a big difference in the effect on human health.

The bottom line for safety is that, until more research is done on healthy (and unhealthy) human skin and eyes, and unless the proper wavelength of light can be guaranteed throughout the effective life of the far UVC light source, long term far UVC is not safe to expose to skin or eyes.

Yeah I’m not seeing magic bullet here.


It seems like if it works it needs to be part of a system with filters.

I still say get the air flow going down, push through some filters and then maybe have the air return space This UV (up high. You can add in the lights to allow you to run a bit looser filter and decrease the pressure drop and energy cost of the system.

I’d need to see a lot of data on long term safe use. UV is a pretty powerful mutagen.

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So glad I’m right in the heart of MaRIPcopa County. This is about to be real bad real quick.


This article is about far UVC, which is supposedly safe although may still cause problems. But definitely much safer than normal sterilization UVC.

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Holy shit 19% of Atlanta has an active case of covid19?!

That can’t be right. That’s nearly 100,000 people.

I was thinking about running like rope lights of far-UVC through vents or something like that? Then we don’t have to worry about human exposure.

But given the link I posted (a couple years old, but still) says these things cost five-figures for a basic setup, I think we’re a long way from there.

Maybe regular UV lights in vents would work too, since you aren’t exposing them to humans anyways. But I doubt that’s enough to make much of a difference.

0.19%, not 19%. Thank god.

From the paper:

In fact there is a regulatory limit as to the amount of 222 nm light to which the public can be exposed, which is 23 mJ/cm2 per 8-hour exposure36,37. Based on our results here for the beta HCoV-OC43 coronavirus, continuous far-UVC exposure at this regulatory limit would result in 90% viral inactivation in approximately 8 minutes…

Oh I missed the period there.


I gonna guess if a lightbulb was going to save the day, the Chinese would have let us know already.

US seems to discount surface transfer way more than the rest of the world - most of one recent outbreak in Australia was traced back to a shared cigarette lighter

So in the past 24-48 hours, Pence, Mitch and Hannity have all said to wear masks because they work. I think something is going on.

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You have to wonder if the air would be in the chamber long enough.

They know Covid is rebounding so the narrative has to change or Trump loses

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.19% not 19%.

Not yet, at least.