Cash money is reserved for more deserving recipients like American Airlines.



Are you crazy? What’s wrong with you??? You can’t give it straight to the poors! You have to give the tax credit to the corporations they work for, and let them trickle down the stay at home benefits. It just works, man! FREE MARKET ECONOMY!!!


It’s dawned on me lately (slow learner here) that trickle down economics wasn’t even designed or intended to work. It was simply a semi-intelligent sounding excuse to transfer all the wealth in the US to the top .1%.


I think it was like “well this might actually trickle down, and even if it doesn’t we get a tax break”.

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What if I told you that Arthur Laffer almost certainly doesn’t believe his own bullshit, and most likely came up with his famous curve by starting with the goal of lowering taxes on the rich and then went looking for a way to make it seem mathematically justified?


That seems to be my understanding of what happened at this point as well.

Yeah, I wound up having to get tested twice in advance of a surgery and that shit sucked. Not necessarily painful but super uncomfortable. I do not think I could do it myself.

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It’s getting harder and harder to find any good news at all in these updates.

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I mean HW called it Voodoo economics in public where it would be quotable. He probably didn’t think anyone would buy something so transparently intentionally misleading.

Genuinely so much of what went wrong with our country in the last 40 years was created at the University of Chicago in the 70’s. Honestly we’d probably be better off as a planet without any economic theory at all if we could undo the combined harm they did.

You really let that knowledge trickle down slowly, huh?


Helps keep my brain from getting too overloaded.

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In CT scans of all the study participants, the researchers found signs of lung inflammation, known as pulmonary infiltrates, even in people who showed no symptoms. Signatures of inflammation were observed in 57 percent of the asymptomatic group, a “surprising” find because it’s not common to conduct CT scans on people who aren’t exhibiting symptoms of a respiratory infection, Kuritzkes said.

“It makes you wonder if they really were asymptomatic, because clearly they had some pneumonia,” he said. “It just goes to show that the absence of symptoms is not the absence of infection.”

It’s pretty!


You think it’s bad here?

Thanks to the University of Chicago, Chileans have realized the dream of privatized water, to this very day.

I don’t mean treatment and distribution of the water. I mean the actual water itself—like, you can own a river.

Yeah, from day 1 this gigantic range of outcomes from “no symptoms at all” to “dead within a few weeks” has been confounding, and really has thrown a monkey wrench into the response. Not that there’s been a great response in the US. I’d really like to know why some people are asympomatic. Is there something in their body chemistry that’s responsible for that, and if there is, maybe they should tell us about it.

Does “asymptomatic” mean some people have literally no symptoms (like the virus doesn’t affect them), or are they just experiencing minor symptoms that people don’t recognize or simply put up with?

I think its hard to pin down. Any given March lots of people experience some cold symptoms, so mild Covid symptoms might be reported as “asymptomatic” when they really mean that they had no noteworthy symptoms.

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The story says some people get some lung damage indicating they had pneumonia even though they never realized anything was wrong. So that’s another issue, as to whether there are “no symptoms” or that symptoms just aren’t recognized. And I’ve heard stories of people who were literally a heartbeat away from being on a ventilator who were on their phones and displaying little discomfort despite having death-inducing pneumonia showing up on their x-rays. I guess I’m saying that we’d be in a better position to handle this if it presented the same from patient to patient.

I’m no scientist but I’m still a believer in the initial viral load theory.

I just want to know if my daily 4 mile run serves as a reasonable test for COVID.